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Chapter 38: Temptation pt

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Chapter 38: Temptation pt.3

Bargaining with the devil was not the choice you would have thought you'll take. It sounds terrible, but you could even put Namjoon beside the devil, and they would cower. He was more clever than most human beings you've met as if he knew something more than what humans do.

"Darling, you are doing this the hard way, just save yourself and get what you need, and I'll have the money." Namjoon snickers, "Because who else will help you if you don't help yourself?"

You were going nowhere; Namjoon was still bargaining with everything he got, and Seokjin was mindlessly agreeing.

"What makes you think having everything you wished for could give you what you want?" You asked Namjoon, who sat smirking at you.

"Everything." He started, "You should ask yourself, how you got yourself right now?"

Namjoon chuckles, "Look at the journey you have already gone through; it's impossible. It's unrealistic and impossible. You, being here. It wouldn't have happened if the people around you didn't have the money to do so."

"The misfortune? Who doesn't have anything in this world? Who chooses to go their way because they have nothing to lose? They lose." Namjoon said, "Do I need to remind you how many have died because of that misfortune?"

"Namjoon." Seokjin had warned.

"Oh, come on, Seokjin, here she is, sitting comfortably. Do you want to know how many lives were put to save you in this place?" Namjoon looks at you.

"Namjoon!" Seokjin took it upon himself shut Namjoon up, and he scoffed in annoyance.

"Whatever, just give me the money," Namjoon said.

"Who told you this world only revolves around money?" You asked, "They must have told you a lie."

"My father." Namjoon said quickly, "No. He just told me what I needed to do. I think we all know what this world is made of."

"Namjoon, the only person that can save you and your greed is yourself." You told him, "You are not your father; no wealth in this world can buy things you want."

Namjoon looks at you, and his eyes burn in rage. He was getting annoyed. "No. I guess you can't. But I can buy people and materials to get what I want."

"You can't use people like that."

"Oh... but I can; you need Money, Anne. Money is what makes a man. Money is the reason why Hoseok and Yoongi failed to have resulting deaths. Money is why Taehyung is like this," Namjoon smirks, "and money is what Jungkook had promised you that day."

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