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Chapter 26: Lonely Boys Pt

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Chapter 26: Lonely Boys Pt. 2 

"Don't worry. We can... then we can maybe talk about us?" You asked, and he couldn't help to smile widely. He hugs you tightly before stroking your hair.

"I'm sorry, we had never had the chance to talk about ourselves. Maybe after all of this is finished, we can talk about ourselves?"

"I like that."

Then, someone could hear a cough as you look at Taehyung, sitting down and Holding out in pain.

"I'm sorry to break it to you two, but if we don't get out of this, we're not going to have anything to talk about," Taehyung said. He stood up before leaving the room. Seokjin looks at you before you walk over to taehyung to catch up.

"Where are you going? You asked Taehyung. He kept walking when you held his shirt. Holding it tightly, he couldn't help but grunt in annoyance.

"Let go. We need to get out of here," He said. He looks back at Seokjin before pointing at him, "Go take your boyfriend with you. We're getting out here."

"What about Yoongi?" You asked.

"I came here to help you take Seokjin back. Any ass back there who wishes to come with us is welcome. But if you refuse to go back with us, it's their problem and not mine."

"But he had agreed to help us! We can't just let him loose!" You argue with a stubborn Taehyung.

"And? I don't see the problem here," Taehyung said, "You need to stop being the hero for once, I'm barely holding on, and your boyfriend is not in a condition to fight. Hoseok is dead, and we will be next if we don't go."

You couldn't help to stay quiet. He was right, you were in no condition to do anything, and you couldn't force them to help you. They have done enough, but the lingering guilt yours couldn't stop gnawing at your mind.

There must be something we can do.

Over the distance, you three heard a sudden crash. As you look ahead, you begin walking to the noise before being stopped by Taehyung.

"Our mission here is to bring back Seokjin," Taehyung said. He stops before pinching the bridge of his nose, "I've lost Hoseok hyung, not you too."

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