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Chapter 22: To the most beautiful moments in our lives Pt

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Chapter 22: To the most beautiful moments in our lives Pt. 3

Taehyung, who had heard those words from Jungkook, couldn't help to clench his fist. He was never someone who would back down when somebody insulted him that way. But he was not stupid either. The little provocation was the only way Jungkook knew to break the peace between them.

He needed to play it right; Jungkook is a smart boy. But no old dog can learn newer tricks than those younger ones. Jungkook understands and applies, and that's where he is wrong. No real psychopath learns and applies it like that. They find other ways. That's why no real psychopath is the same.

"I'm not someone who backs down from a little insult," Taehyung said, clutching his bleeding abdomen, "a little wound like this couldn't hurt more."

"Death suits you well, Taehyung." Jungkook snickered, "I guess death will welcome you with open arms."

Taehyung laughs. You sat beside him, worried he might cause his wounds to open more. He told me it didn't hurt, but you know his hands were shaking well.

Seokjin, still in Yoongi's arms, suddenly groans, "God, Yoongi, just put me down right now."

Seokjin tries to stand again, "I'll go in, move."

Yoongi pulled back Seokjin, "You dumb fuck, I told you we came here for you! If you leave, then we came here in vain! How about you think about for a second who came for you?"

Yoongi looks at you, and Seokjin's eyes follow. His heartbeat was in a rush, but when he saw you, everything calmed down. Yoongi was right. When he jumped into the fire that night, he knew he had to give you up. Seokjin had thought that night you were ready to leave him again. You were willing to let his hands go.

He had prepared himself for the day he had to die for you, the first time and even the second.

But instead, he had looked back to see you jumping to his aid. Seokjin knew he was not ready to let go of his precious life like this. He wanted to see you grow.

He wanted to see you grow beside him.

"I'll go," Yoongi said bravely before stopping. There's no way out. It would always be him and the thick walls he had built. He couldn't do it even after begging someone or anyone to let him out of prison.

Jungkook was beginning to get impatient. He hated this. Why was someone so willingly trying to be the hero? It was tiring, and he knew it never brought any good results. Here, everyone was willing to die for each other.

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