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Chapter 13: Run

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Chapter 13: Run

Jungkook then suddenly appears in the hotel room, and you panic since Taehyung has tried to inform the police force. Jungkook then looks at you and smiles. He had told you that you were somehow the light to his darkness. In his moments of life, you were his everything, so he confronted you on why you had run away. But of course, you don't remember.

Jungkook didn't have to tell you twice to run away. What was he thinking? When was he going to bomb the whole place? How could he do it so fast, and how did he know you would be there?

No, you've got no time to think about that. You need to get out of the place and find Taehyung. After stumbling upon everyone and asking around, you finally found the room.

Opening the door franticly, you were greeted with a distressed Taehyung. Taehyung, who was equally stressed, when he found you missing and nowhere to be seen, he stopped everything. His blood ran cold when he knew you could be in grave danger. He had been planning to bring you here since the day he was 'dead'.

With the help of someone, he had to bring Jungkook down because he knew as long as that man was running and breathing, then no weapon, no men could harm him. Something Taehyung had picked up from years of learning was no place was better to hide from a killer than his place.

So, Taehyung had thought it was undeniably the right thing to do, to book a hotel discreet from everything in Jungkook's empire. More than what Taehyung had calculated, the kid was loaded, having most of the hotel's branches in Asia and having his multiple casinos in Las Vegas. It started to worry Taehyung that Jungkook was more than what He had told Taehyung.

Jungkook was secretly building an empire. Not even they knew about it. He was more powerful than just a mere psycho killer you find in the dark corners of the city.

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