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Chapter 11: aeroplane

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Chapter 11: aeroplane

"You're going to leave me here again?" you asked Taehyung as he packed his stuff, but Taehyung was not listening. He looks at you before presuming to pack.

"You're boarding an airplane and leaving me here in the hotel, Taehyung!" you shouted, but he was not having it.


Four hours ago, to be exact, after you both had dropped into the hotel, Taehyung had let you settle in. He had booked a room here, not to look suspicious. He didn't book an extravagant one. Still, it was enough. It was a long way from the house.

To be honest, you were a bit sceptical when he gave you a bunch of cash and the room card. He told you to keep it safe. You didn't know what he was planning yet. You had to try and enjoy the room while it lasted. You had taken a shower then, after getting out, Taehyung was nowhere to be seen.

So, you had initiatively gone outside to find the latter. Walking through the enormous place was a bit tricky. As you can say, the halls were long. Of course, it was scary since the whole site looked the same; hell, it somehow reminded you how the galleries back at the Bangtan house.

Twisting, sinister and, of course, confusing as hell.

The shivering feeling of the whole place felt nostalgic. You had asked around for the exit until you noticed something weird about the area. That is, if you could say the odd resemblance towards the hotel and the house.

After wandering and not finding the person who had gone missing, your legs went back. Also, asking directions to your room, finally, you step in front of the door, room 0109.

Opening the door, you went inside to see Taehyung sitting down in the chair. He looks up to you.

"Taehyung! Where have you been? I was looking for you," You asked him before he smiled.

"I'm sorry, I was looking for something to eat here," You sat down in the chair. You look at Taehyung, who is scrolling on his phone. You were going to ask him why he suddenly left before a sudden phone call erupted. Taehyung stood up before answering the phone call.

"What do you want?" Taehyung suddenly whispers, "No – no, stop not here – "Taehyung proceeded to leave the room once again.

What was he talking about? Your mind was beginning to formulate many thoughts, and possible outcomes of the phone call. You couldn't help being too conscious about the wrong results, which were eating you alive.

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