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Chapter 30: Thank you's pt

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Chapter 30: Thank you's pt.3

             "I still think that this is the shittiest idea we've come up with," Yoongi told you. Currently, the plan you were trying to formulate was 'to talk'. Conversation, no guns, no fights, just a simple talk in a café not far from the main city of Seoul.

Seokjin had suggested this small café after telling you it was your favourite place. You could only nod your head. Following the three men inside the café, you went to the cashier with Seokjin.

You stood beside him, waiting in line before he leaned his head to talk to you, "I hope you don't mind if I buy all of the drinks. I want to guess what you like, and I still do hope it's your favourite."

You could only smile at him before nodding your head, currently, no drinks could calm you down, you were nervous do you think he would come? Do you believe Jungkook who was mentally obsessed and unstable could have a civilised talk with you?

But you are not a kindergartener anymore. You can't just expect not to like each other and give candies to solve the problem.

There's always a way to solve it, convince everyone to stop, and find a way out without spilling so much blood. Maybe a chance to start over.

"You're nervous. Do you think he would burn down the café?" Seokjin asked. You nod your head.

"By now, I can't calm my nerves knowing Jungkook had put traps in here, the place is packed, was it a bad idea telling them to come?" You asked Seokjin, but he shook his head. The line was getting shorter than when it was time to order, Seokjin told the barista what they wanted before finishing with warm milk.

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