It's A Boy

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I look at my baby as Carrick takes photos of us. My mom and dad arrive to see Elliott Samuel Grey. Carrick's family are no longer alive. We don't talk much about it, because it is a painful event. I see it in his eyes when he looks at my parents holding our son. Carrick is happy he has a son and wants to be involved in everything so he can bond with his son. We chose bottle feeding so we can build our careers. Bring a doctor and him bring an attorney we have a very busy schedule and we have a nanny, cook and a housekeeper. The house we bought from an estate that needed the money in a quick sale. It is made for raising a family. The pool has a locked fence and the home has a security gate around it. Carrick found out about the home and the quick sale, so he made an offer and here we are in a beautiful home.
Sometimes it pays to have friends and getting the heads up first on our new home was one of the best things that ever happened to us. We had the money and they turned over the house to us. We just finished moving in and Grace went into labor. It is moments like this that I miss my family dearly. I watch as Graces parents hold their grandchild. Elliott looks like Grace with blonde curly hair and blue green eyes. I take all kinds of photos of us all together. These will make great pictures for our walls.
I hold my grandson and he looks like our side of the family. He is a big baby and will be as big as his grandfather. I can see Carrick and Theo taking him fishing and camping and sports events. Carrick will put him in sports and having fun with him once he can. Men love doing that with their sons and grandsons.
My grandson will learn sports of all types. We will fish, camp and do all kinds of outdoor things together.
A little over two years later
Elliott Samuel Grey is going to be two before I have this baby boy. Christian David Grey is laying in his crib looking around at everything. Elliott is proud as a peacock at having a brother. He wants to hold him all the time, but we have to be careful and have him seated to hold him. He plays with him on the floor and I keep the choking hazards away from them both.
Both boys grow big and strong and they are like their father and grandfather's shadows. Now I am expecting out third child. Elliott is 8 and Christian is 6 now. I have been working hard and now am on duty in the ER. I see it all here and today is no exception. My baby bump is obvious. A man comes running in with a tiny very pregnant female in his arms. We hear a scream and then the woman cursing the man out. She yells at him and tells him she never wanted a child ever and it was his fault she is about to give birth to a brat and she doesn't want it or him and she wants a divorce and her share of the accounts. He can have the baby, because she doesn't want either of them. I call Carrick and ask him to come help this guy get custody of his daughter and a divorce from this vile mother.
I bring everything I can to help this man out of this marriage and get him full custody of his daughter.
I talk to the dr about getting a notary and if they have a paper to terminate his wife's maternal rights. I have the divorce papers ready along with paternal rights termination papers. I just need a notary and an attorney to make sure everything is well written out to prevent Carla from trying to get the money and use Anastasia Rose Steele to bankrupt me. She definitely would attempt that. The dr called her husband an attorney in Seattle to help write the divorce papers up and then sign them and finally a new. He made both iron clad and I got Carla to sign everything. I asked Carrick if he could come in the room and we could get a recording of Carla and her comments.
I know it is bad if a stranger is asking me to bring documents to his wife's hospital room to not only divorce her, but to get her to sign away her rights to her newborn child. I decide to get a transcriber and a notary. Plus something to sign to say she agrees to being recorded. So we get to the room and I have seen the worst reality of beauty is only skin deep. She definitely was beautiful, but the second she opened her mouth to berate Raymond Steele the ugly came out. Poor guy, we need to get this paperwork pushed through and I know the judge who would make sure it happens. This man is suffering from domestic abuse physically or mentally they are both abuse. Their child shouldn't suffer at her hands as well. Now I know why Grace had me help him. The recordings alone will get his divorce and custody through within a few days, we can file a restraining order against her and give her the ten grand only after the divorce is granted. He will forgo child support since she has signed away her rights to the child. She insisted on getting the money now, but we stood our ground and the judge will as well. I think we should not present this to a judge. I will have it entered on line. I think he should find the fastest way to get this divorce. It still will take a while even uncontested. So we get that started and Raymond agrees to rent her a place until the divorce, but she can't have any contact with him or the baby otherwise he will not give her the divorce at all. He knows her better than I do, so I am assuming she wants to marry someone else.
I see both Carrick and Raymond come out of Mrs Steele's hospital room. He explains to the nurse that no one is to allow Carla Steele near Anastasia Steele at all.
I hate giving these nurses a hard time, but my daughter isn't to be taken to Carla for any reason. I want to see if she can go home with me now. I explain that she just signed her rights away to the baby, then I further tell them that she will abuse Anastasia. They all agree not to allow her near Anastasia and call to see if the baby can be released early.
Would you like to join us for supper and bring Anastasia with you? I can see if we can go get her now. We get everything done and Carrick gets everything filed while I am sitting for Anastasia at our home. The boys haven't arrived home from school yet. Anyone who had to deal with Carla Steele agreed the baby should be allowed to be taken home by mr Steele quickly. No one trusted Carla and some wanted to testify to the abuses he suffered at her hands. I got their names and phone numbers to let Carrick know we have a bunch of witnesses to her abuse of not only him, but after the baby was born she was verbally abusive about getting the crying brat out of her sight and never bring her back into the room.

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