Ava Arrives

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I have heard various stories about giving birth and some were like horror stories and some they just had a tiny cramp and here's your baby, well I do believe mine is the horror story. Twenty hours of pure pain and suffering. Dr Roberts had given me a spinal block and it didn't work. Elliott is trying to get me to laugh. Grace has been telling me about Ana and Anastasia playing with the babies and getting everyone ready for school. Sophie is helping Ana get up to date on schooling and they found out Ana taught herself how to read and write. So the hired a tutor a young female tutor. She made a huge mistake of flirting with Christian. Ana had words with the tutor and informed Anastasia about it. She was terminated. They found an older retired teacher to tutor Ana and the other children as well. So now they have a permanent tutor on staff. They even hired her son who is a teacher as well. Ava Grace Grey arrived screaming her little lungs full of air. All 7 pounds 6 ounces and 22 inches of her. I swear I think Elliott and I gave birth a giant.
Unknown Male
I look at the triplets and think we saved them from Kavanagh. They don't look a thing like me, which is a blessing. Now I hear Anastasia and Christian have custody of a 13 year old who gave birth to twins. I know I made the right decisions to sign my rights over to Anastasia Grey.
Unknown Female
He is definitely thinking about his triplets, but he learned how kind their biological mother is and he has told me he did the right thing giving the triplets up and the embryos. We will be ready to protect them any danger. Isabel just wanted the babies back, but Kavanagh and Hyde had other plans. We went back to our birth names, instead of Arnie and Jenny Asher. We are Andrew Anderson and Jessica Anderson again. The flight was too long for me and the hangar looks like someone has been here. We might have to scuttle this place. We grab our Jeep and head out. I grab the documents off the panels and we head to change Jets. Since someone has been here, we think they will be back. Sadly the GEH was blown up by some real bad guys and they haven't been found yet. They were after Grey, they were after us. So pictures when we can?
Unknown Male
I want to assure they are healthy and safe, so we need to find a way to get pictures since they can't send photos because they don't have our address.
Enid and I invited our children and their spouses, Carrick, Grace, Madison and Theodore Trevelyan, Mia and Thomas Sawyer, Gail and Jason Taylor. The. ceremony took five minutes and we had a huge party. We had a crowded room for a five minute no frills ceremony.
I have never been treated so well by a man until I met Raymond and we started dating.
We didn't stay long at the party because Kate was exhausted after being up all night with Ava. I never knew a baby could cry so loudly. Everyone was up and we couldn't get them settled. It was a nice party and the kids had fun. We met Ana Gray and her boys. She seemed nervous around the men, but she was very attached to mom and Gail. Anastasia is trying to help her adapt, but I suspect because Anastasia has her own young children in the home she isn't as close to her. Anastasia is a hands on mom. Gail is as well but her children are older. I am just guessing that is why Ana is attached to Gail and Mom. Kate thinks it is that she really knows Gail and mom better.
I love being part of this huge family. They always welcomed me and now I am married into it by way if Raymond it is so much better.
I am not lonely anymore and I chose a good woman whose husband failed her in so many ways. I will never do that to her. We met the young lady and apparently I am the first male that she seems to have allowed to be close without cringing. I guess it is my ability to listen and allow people to approach me rather than approach them.
I am concerned that Anastasia and Christian will become very attached to this girl and her boys and she will be placed elsewhere or leave. Grace tells me that she is feeling safe where she is now and even though it might seem like it, she wants her boys safe and even though she is a typical teen girl she calms down and listens to logic.
Carrick has an attorney's point of view, but I have a female with children's point of view. Things are going okay for now, but heads have bumped. Luckily calmer heads have interceded especially when it came to schooling and baby care. Ana fought how her boys were being cared for and it was resolved and the nannies and mannies finally did as Ana wanted for her boys.
I wanted my sons to have non violent everything and language cds played while they were in their rooms. They finally did as asked, but they turned them off when my sons were asleep. I insisted they played them even then. I thought they would learn while asleep. Time will tell.
Mrs Counts
I have been working with Ana and she is very bright. Apparently she taught herself to read and write. My son Charles is teaching the younger children and this works well for us both. I could have retired earlier had I tutored people like the Grey family, who are generous in salary and benefits.
I have to say when mom asked me to come from New York and work for the Grey family as a teacher/tutor I chuckled until she emailed me the salary they were offering me. Thirty days later I sold everything and moved to Seattle.

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