Emma Andrews

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I can't believe Christian actually stood his ground about us breaking up with each other. Dad is going to be upset about this situation. Taylor is driving me home and he tells me to expect my possessions to be delivered the next day. He told me my jewelry will be brought as well. He explained that I can keep my car and I have six months on my lease and after that I have to pay my own way from then on. I demand to be taken to the penthouse now. He tells me he can't do that, that I am not allowed on the property after today. Apparently Christian is filing a restraining order against me and I can't come within a thousand yards of him, his family or the Steele family. I am very angry at all of them. I get out of the car without waiting for Taylor to open my door for me.
I let mr Grey know that miss Andrews was pretty mad and wanted to go get her things from his penthouse. I of course refused to allow her to return to the penthouse. I call Gail and let her know about Emma no longer able to come there again. She already got the news and had security help pack all her things up to return to her. I tell her that Mr Grey has changed the codes already and texted it to me. I also tell her mr Grey will get Miss Andrews jewelry from the safe minus the Tiffany items he had just purchased for her. He wants those returned if possible. I am glad that he dumped Emma, she was overbearing to everyone and she thought she could order us around all the time. Security were complaining about her asking them to handle people.
I am so glad that witch is history, she thought Christian was going to marry her and boy was she wrong. He wasn't serious about her at all. How she weaseled an invitation to this birthday party this evening was beyond me. She just happened to show up dressed to go out right before he left for the party. He hadn't seen her in three weeks. I thought he had asked for a break from her after her tantrum at his Mile high club. You would have thought she owned the place from all the posting on the internet of her behavior.
I stayed and had fun with my family and friends at Anastasia's birthday party. Her dad, Elliott and I were shooting the breeze. I think Elliott's girlfriend was hitting on one of the security people. I don't even recall her name. She disappeared and came back disheveled. So I am thinking she is and Elliott aren't that serious. Anastasia opened up her gifts and loved everything. I bought her an IPad with all the writing apps on it I could find for her. Mom and dad gave her an apple gift card. She got a lot of different things. Anastasia and I sat and talked for a little bit. I told her that I hadn't intended on Emma coming at all, she just showed up when I was leaving and sort of invited herself along.
Oh I thought you two were serious, she told Kate you were engaged to be engaged.
Not even close. I haven't dated  anyone I would ask to be my girlfriend yet. We were friends with benefits and she and I were on a break from that after her scene at my restaurant. I am betting Mia has that on her phone, since she was there when it happened. She was treated my staff like she was their boss and threw a fit when they didn't cow-tow to her demands. I pretty much told them to throw her out and they did.
She tried cornering me in the restroom and dad stopped her in her tracks. He told me that she had a very determined look on her face and she finally told him to give me a message. She told him to tell me to leave her man alone. He asked who her man was and she said it was you. He told her that he didn't see a a wedding ring on either of your fingers and that makes you still  available.
That is me a very available man. How about you are you available?
Yes I am, no boyfriend here.
Want to take a walk down to the dock?
Sure why not.
I help her up from her seat and we head down to the dock and she shows me the new boat her father bought to go fishing. It was nice. I start feeling that attraction I have felt for a while. We are standing watching the night sky. I move closer when she shivers and put my arm around her to keep her warm.
I shiver just at being close to Christian. He puts his arm around me and draws me in very close to him warming me up. He looks down at me and he is so tall that I have to bend my neck to look up at him. He asks me if he can kiss me? I just nod and his lips reach mine and he slowly kisses me and it gets deeper and deeper. He backs me up against the boathouse and kisses me much deeper and presses him body against mine. I never felt like this before and it is hard to stop, but he presses me against him and I can tell he is turned on.
I have this odd need to kiss Anastasia and I can't stop myself and I press her against the boathouse wall. I can't get close enough to her I am so turned on by her body and mine pressed so close together I feel the need to be inside her, but I need to stop and now. I break it off and walk off my needs and apologize for going too far with the kissing. I ask if we can see each other for dinner soon?
I have some time on Thursday evening if you want to go to dinner then?
I would like that, I have to kiss her again, I pull her to me and kiss her and we both start kissing feverishly. I need to feel her against me again. I push her against the wall again and nibble her ears and neck. I go and kiss her again and press into her harder. I can't stop and lift her so I can crush her to my chest and other parts together. Now I really need to stop. I put her down and I think I feel a bit of dampness as I slide her down my body.
I feel hot and wet in places I never have before and it is a good thing we stopped when we did. We walk to the cars and Taylor is waiting for Christian and he kisses me goodnight sweetly this time. He says he will text me when he gets home. I asked if he knows my number and he says he definitely knows it.
Cold shower here I come. I get in the car and I wave bye and say Thursday.

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