Carla Steele

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I have to meet Carrick at his office to pick up the ten thousand dollars and it will all be recorded. I agree to it after all I am getting ten thousand dollars. I walk into the Grey law firm and this makes me wonder if I should have asked for more money after all if he can afford this kind of attorney he can give me more money. I think I will demand more money.
Carla finally shows up for our meeting. I am not impressed by her attire at all and she looks like a slut. She has too much makeup on and her perfume is choking me. I remind her we are being recorded and I have my assistant and security guard present. Something in her eyes as she looks me up and down and checks out my office. She definitely wants more money and is going to try to get it.
I think if Ray can afford you he can pay me a lot more money.
I did this for free, my wife heard how you were to ray and then to your own baby. She called me the day Anastasia was born and here we are. You will not be getting more than the ten thousand dollars and if you push me you won't get that. Your divorce us final and you no longer have rights to Anastasia and you can't contact them ever again. I would love it if you try to get more money, Ray has instructed me to tell you take the ten thousand dollars or go to jail for human trafficking of your own baby. Did you think Ray would record you selling your own baby to not only him, but others. That's what you get when you marry ex black ops men. Want to see what he gave me to show you. I show her the deal she made with couple who is still reeling from the hundred grand she accepted and skipped town. She takes the marked money and leaves. Ray and I set her up, she is going to prison and Ray is getting his money back after they log it as evidence.
I take the ten thousand dollars and walk out of the Grey law firm. I get to the public sidewalk and I am arrested and they take my cash. These are FBI agents and I am arrested for human trafficking. I can't believe this happened to me. I find myself behind bars and can't call for help at all Stephen is in prison and can't help me out. I call Elena and it goes to voice mail. I can't believe this, I have to use a public defender.
Carrick shows me the footage of Carla trying to strong arm for more money and we are glad we called the FBI in on this case. Not only did Carla sell Anastasia to several other couples she tried to sell her in the hospital. When the case hit the news people are coming out of the woodwork. I had no idea she was this bad, but suspected it. According to Carrick she could get a long sentence. We won't have to deal with her for a very long time.
Elena Lincoln
I got a call from the prison and it is Carla, the person who scammed my contacts out of a hundred grand for the purchase of her baby. They are pretty mad and want retribution against her. I can't believe this happened and now I have to figure out how to get these people a baby that looks like Carla. I have to find out where Carla's baby is and grab her to give this couple.
FBI Agent Parker
I call and give mr Steele a heads up about his ex wife and he might need to hire body guards for himself and his daughter. I send him photos of one of his ex wife's so called friends and she is dangerous. I tell him that we heard she is looking for him and Anastasia.
I call Carrick and explain that I have to hide out until they have Carla's friends behind bars as well. He knows and he has been asked to help them with this case. Apparently Carla was selling Anastasia to some very bad people and they want her and her alone. But not just once but several times and some were good and others weren't so good. Those are the ones I could record apparently they used signal disrupters and that is why I didn't get them on tape.
Two days later I am moving into a home in Montesano and we won't be able to be found by anyone now. Witness protection until they grab the people involved. So here I am with a baby and single in a small town. I met my neighbors next door. Jose Rodriguez Sr who just so happens to have been in service with me. His wife and him has a five month old son Jose Rodriguez jr.. we have fun with the babies and his wife is a great cook. They have me over a lot and it is great. My new name for here is Scott McDermott and Anastasia is Laura McDermott. Jose knows my and Annie's real names and I know his.
I have spoiled Mia, but always ask about Anastasia. We get photos of them fishing in an undisclosed location. Ray has made sure no landmarks can be identified is what dad tells my mother who is concerned about their safety,
I checked a few things out and I found the attorney who might have an idea where Raymond is and the little girl. Now that she is older she is more in demand for other reasons. I decide to become friends with the Grey family. I wished this person didn't insist on having Carla's child. Stephen Morton isa sick, sick man. But I can't shake this feeling he will kill me if we don't find the child her paid for. He has waiting over four years and we can't get a lead on her.
I resent a home near the Grey home and go introduce myself to them, no one but staff is home, I ask when they expect them back. They explain that they do not tell people about their employers comings and goings for any reason. It is a security reason, just the a security guy arrives and asks for ID and what business do I have with the Grey family? I try to say it is none of his business and I change my mind. I just 3xplsin I rented a home near by and was introducing myself. I can tell he doesn't believe me at all. He asks to take my picture and I refuse to allow him. He hits a button and another guy escorts me out the front gate and tells me not to come back again.

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