A Q And A

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I finally talked Anastasia into talking to my school about her writing and when she started writing and then how she started publishing her books. Everyone wants to ask her all kinds of questions.
I answer the questions to the best of my ability, some questions took me by surprise luckily daddy was here and he answered those questions. He explains that a lot of things I didn't know because he didn't want me hurt because of others actions. Finally we get done and someone called Kate Kavanagh comes up to talk about what was in the paper recently. Daddy steps in and tells her I can't talk about an ongoing investigation and trial.
All I can say is the evidence is mounting against the perpetrator. He tells her maybe once everything is settled and he has been tried for all his crimes we might talk to her about what occurred with us regarding the hotel meeting.
That could be years from what the paper said, my dad is very interested in the back story on this situation. I am determined to get the story if it takes me all day to do that.
I appreciate your tenacity miss Kavanagh, you will make a great reporter and your father and owner of Kavanagh Media would be proud of your abilities. But you have came up against a stone wall called Steele.
You might be, but what about Anastasia is she one as well?
Well I will let you find that out for yourself. I think you will discover like her books she doesn't give away the end of the story until the very end. Now I have to take Anastasia back to school. It was nice being here and answering some very astute questions for such young people.
We sign some autographs and leave to go to my school. I hop in my dads truck and we head to my school. Dad found a school that encourages creativity in all things. Since I am a published author, I have been asked to teach kids interested in publishing how to go about getting published.
I just shake my head at Kate. You really do push the edge of the envelope don't you?
Hey I am going to be an investigative journalist so I have to start somewhere and I thought this would be good practice.
I doubt you will get another chance to ask them any more questions after today.
I recommend you keep a tight lip around Kate Kavanagh if you run into her again.
I will daddy, she was like a dog with a bone in there. I will just say no comment to her questions from now on.
I doubt she will stop, but she might find out you are much more stubborn than she is. I know you and this will end up in one of your books.
You know me so well. I am already creating the story in my mind. My title is going to be Too Inquisitive. I might think of a better one before I get the story done. We arrive at my school and I grab my books and head into my class. I sit down and Leila Williams makes a snide comment about my just getting to school.
Two years later I have written quite a few books geared towards various ages. Dad said he draws the line on my writing erotic literature. Of course being a fourteen year old girl I have been drawing the attention of boys. Dad has told me no dating until I can drive a car.
I don't want Anastasia dating until she has her drivers license. I explain a lot to Anastasia about boys and how bad they can get and how manipulative they can be in order to have sex with girls. But girls are the same way. Sex is not something she should be involved in until she can care for a baby emotionally and financially and has a husband or a man who is a grown up emotionally and ready to take responsibility of raising a child and supporting said child or children. Males don't have the same gambles of becoming pregnant and being dumped because of a pregnancy. So it is important for her as a young lady to make the right choices. We go over rules for her to follow to make her safe at all times.
Dad gave me a long list of rules now that I am fourteen and starting to look like a woman of sorts. They all sound very reasonable and dating is not allowed until I can drive a car legally. I must keep sober and I can't accept drinks from strangers or boys who might be trying to drug me or get me drunk so they can take advantage of me like Hyde had been doing to his victims. I really learned a lesson that day. I take the list daddy made me and we go over each point of each rule and he explains each rule and his reasons for it. My daddy has put a lot of thought into this and everything he has said to me hits home with me. I now have ideas for several new books.
I see a laminated paper with a bunch of rules on it on Anastasia's door. I ask her about it and she explained it was her dads rules for her to follow so he knows she will be safe and not be taken advantage of by boys looking to get laid only. I ask if I can get a copy of it and she opens her computer and prints a copy of it off for me and then laminates it for me. These make a lot of sense to me, I have seen guys get girls pregnant and just dump them. One guy has three girls pregnant and trying for a fourth one, but word has gotten around and none of the girls will look twice at him now. His parents are livid, but so are the three pregnant girls parents. People look down at these girls and call them sluts. I happen to know two of the girls were virgins until they met him. The other girl got around even by her own admission she wasn't a saint. All three have suffered the consequences of their actions or lack of actions of stopping this guy from having his way. Mom and dad will love this list of rules. I am going to follow them myself. All of them make sense. She then prints off the reasons for each rule and laminates that as well.
I see Mia carrying what looks like my rules and the explanation of said rules. She waves as she heads back home. We are in walking distance of their home, so the girls see each other regularly.

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