Caren Elizabeth Granger

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Emma Granger aka Caren Elizabeth Granger
I am glad the Andrews weren't my parents. They are now in federal prisons awaiting their trials for murder and kidnapping. Alicia has transferred to the Seattle area, she is still working in the same type of job. At this point we are complete strangers. This stranger donated blood that saved my life without knowing I was her missing child.
I really hate the Andrews they rook so much from me. My life revolved around finding my baby and my husbands killers. Granted it turned out that I ended up helping locate others missing loved ones and the criminals who tore families apart. I just hope we can mend the damage that has be done to us. As soon as I saw her I knew she was my baby. I recognized the two who came into the room immediately. My husband and I seemed to keep running into those two prior to his death and our baby being kidnapped.
I found prior medical records on Emma and they had been abusing her verbally and physically. They just didn't take her to the same place after each time. I recall her flinching at different things when she came for dinner. Christian said she barely spoke about her parents or her early years. I told him in no uncertain terms that she displayed signs of being an abused person. The FBI was given permission by Emma to obtain all her medical reports so they could press all the charges they could. Caren Elizabeth Granger has to find a new way to deal with everything she has learned recently. I recommend they both see someone so they can adjust to this new life change. So I gave them Dr Flynn's number. Mrs Granger is right these people tore her family apart. I had never thought of it in the same aspect as she did and does.
I get a frantic call from Sarah, she is in labor and has called an ambulance. I have no way to get to her, because she has the car. I call Ray and get a voicemail. I then call Anastasia and she answers and I explain what is going on and she immediately told me to calm down and go to the security gate and have one of them drive me to the hospital. I did and we are on our way to the hospital.
I call Sawyer to take me to the hospital. I forgot to tell him that Jose and Sarah are having their baby. So when we arrive Christian is standing with his mother and Taylor looking at me expectantly and asking me am I in any pain. I see Mia and Elliott running towards us. I tell Sawyer I was sorry that I should have explained that Jose and Sarah were having their baby now. They thought I was having a miscarriage.
Omg I breathe a sigh of relief as I hug Anastasia to me. Mom and dad who has arrived along with Ray. Mia and Elliott just shake their heads.
Well now you know to explain to security why you are going to the hospital otherwise everyone shows up. Let's go check on the expectant parents. Christian you did good you got here before Anastasia did. Carrick just smiled, because he recalls our trips to the hospital for Braxton Hicks and having to go back home.
I hear Jose asking where I am and I see the door open up and there he is the love of my life in scrubs. He walks over and asks me how I am doing. In pain that is how I am doing and you did this to me. I scream out in pain.
Dr Greene
The baby is coming now, it is a good thing you called an ambulance to get here. You barely got here on time. I ask if the father wanted to cut the cord as the baby cries out it's first sound. He cuts the cord and looks down at his son and takes a photo. I tell him he might want to edit that because he got more than the baby in the photo lol.
Jose don't be taking photos of my hoo ha. He shows me the baby and I touch him and he quietens his crying. They take him and clean h8m up and weight him and take his hand and footprints. We name him Jose Fernando Rodriguez the third. Jose wanted him named for his father and if it was a girl Luna Isabella Rodriguez if it was a girl.
I kiss my baby and then my wife as she watches our baby getting cleaned up. Soon we have visitors Ray and Anastasia with Christian holding her as they admire our new son. Christian rubs Anastasia's tummy and kisses her.
Smiles and tells us he is going to be a grandpa.
I congratulate them and hold my son and take him to Sarah to hold and take pictures of the. I ask if someone will take pictures of Sarah me and our son. I tell them he is Jose the third. They smile and it is the best day ever. Our nursery was completed a month ago. Ray created a boys wonderland for our son as a gift for us. He also bought us a new mini van for our growing family. After today we really need it. We just ordered it and it will take one more week for it to arrive. Sarah wanted our child safe and wanted those built in child safety seats and DVD players as well. Ray gave us Carte Blanche and Anastasia paid half to assure we got the best and exactly what we needed and wanted. They have been very generous to Sarah and I. Ray says he promised my dad he would always be there for me if something happened and he has always been there for me and now for us. I was not experienced in woodworking and carpentry, I am now though with his training of me I have excelled to where I and Ray do comparable work.
I finally get some sleep, I am needing to feed little Jose because my breast are bursting. So I have Jose bring him to me. Relief at last and little Jose gives a big burp and goes back to sleep.
Caren Elizabeth Granger Aka Emma
I see Christian as Alicia and I leave the hospital, Anastasia is with him and they are kissing. Then I see the wedding rings and a nice engagement ring as well. I thank Christian for paying for my hospital bills and also for buying me the house.
I had to repay you for saving my wife's life after all. I heard about everything regarding your parents or the people who pretended to be your parents and I am sorry to hear about that.
Thanks for confronting me and in extension saving my life in doing so. I and my family appreciate it.
So you two are really married?
Yes we are really married.
Well congratulations and good luck. I have someone waiting on me so good bye for now. I walk out as fast as I could and cry for my loss of Christian. I really do love him, but he is taken now. Alicia waits to take us to my new home. My parents sold my car, but couldn't sell my home like they did theirs that Christian bought for them. They stole everything of value and sold it. I was given all the money they were given when they sold the home,car, and my things. It was only half there.

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