Baby Grey

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Anastasia Rose Grey
I have no idea what my photo in the Seattle times showing my very pregnant self would bring, but I soon found out about relatives coming out of the woodwork meant.
I never met any of Carla's family and never wanted to after the hell she put us through. Along with the criminal element that came out of the woodwork to try to claim Anastasia as their property. Who is that stupid. One poor couple lost all of their savings thinking they were saving Anastasia and they just got scammed by Carla. Christian now has Anastasia travel with make and female bodyguards after she was nearly grabbed in a ladies restroom. She shot the perpetrators and her CPO' s would have never gotten to her in time. They had people standing by with an ambulance outside the window of the restroom. It was well thought out except for planning for an armed pregnant female. When someone knocked on the window and asked if they had Mrs Grey. They caught the others pretty quickly of course the security guards had a hand in catching them. They found it strange that an ambulance was parked outside a secluded bathroom window and no entrance for anyone to go inside or come outside if they had been called.
I can't take the risk of losing my wife and baby for any reason. So she is going to have to adapt to all her security and more after our baby is born. Her book signings are done with an army of security people. I tried to forbid her and learned you don't forbid your wife to do anything. You voice your concerns and you communicate with one another. After no sex for two days I gave in and we settled our difference and spent a week making up. I love make up sex. If it wasn't so risky of losing her I might start a fight just to make up with her.
I am just thinking of the make up sex after Christian forbidding me from doing my book signings. We went without sex for two days. Then he apologized and a week later we both had trouble walking hehehe.
After the attack in the bathroom at the mall, all of us talked Anastasia into having a large group of security with her at all times. Five people were arrested and two were taken to the hospital to remove the bullets and then taken to jail they are now in prison. We have been getting strange calls from people who want to talk to Anastasia saying they are cousins and some kind of relative and are just reaching out to her. They hadn't until they found out who she is married to and that she is wealthy in her own right. Carrick is worried about these people and we should be according to Raymond.
I get a frantic call from Sawyer and he tells me that Anastasia is in labor and can't be moved. Her water is broke and Gail is with her in our bedroom. I call mom and head to our home and wished we had stayed in the penthouse until the birth. Dr Greene has already been called and is on her way to our house. So is an ambulance. Taylor calls and says he has the car ready and is waiting for me.
I have the car waiting and Calle Grey and we finally get on the road to his home and it takes ten minutes longer with all the traffic. Of course their is an accident block the flow of traffic. An ambulance has been in a roll over and it is going to take time to get to Anastasia.
Where are you at now Christian?
We are behind a big accident an ambulance has rolled over and it will take time to get there to you. I hear a baby crying in the background.
You just had a son Christian. I hope that ambulance was the one coming to pick Anastasia up. I need to get off here Christian something is wrong.
I hear faint noises and can't make out what is going on, then I am jostled around and hear we need to call a lifeline helicopter, she is hemorrhaging. I feel wind on my face and everything goes dark.
We are told to head to the hospital now, they had to airlift Anastasia and the baby to the hospital. Taylor tuns around and heads back towards the hospital. Mom stoops me before I get very far and explains that Anastasia is in surgery and so far no news.
The baby is perfect and delivery was a bit difficult. But he is on oxygen and should be fine soon, we can go see him in the nursery. I lead the way and get a page and call and tell Christian Anastasia is out of surgery, but in recovery ICU and we can't visit her yet. She is stable at this point.
We head to see my little doppelgänger. Mom said it is amazing how much he looks like me. Mom gets me scrubs and a mask and we go see my son. I tell Taylor to get security to guard him and Anastasia immediately. Mom said Gail did most of the work delivering my son. Mom made it just as the baby was born. Mom got the lifeline helicopter to land on our helipad we just got finished and okayed as a landing spot.
I arrive and we still can't see Anastasia and we are all worried and they tell us she died three times on the way here and in surgery. They have her in a medically induced coma. I ask about the baby and they lead me to a tiny little boy that has an oxygen mask on his face. They give me scrubs and a mask. I go inside to see Theodore Raymond Grey. I touch his tiny hand and he grips onto it like a vice grip. I am told that talking to him will help him to survive his traumatic birth.
I look at Theodore and they are feeding him a bottle of milk. Anastasia wanted to breast feed him. But she is still in the ICU.
Theodore looks just like Christian sadly. Poor kid. I reach in and he has a grip on my hand and I talk to him and he looks at me as I keep talking to him.
They tell me Anastasia is getting better and will be waking up soon. Gail told me what happened to Anastasia couldn't have been predicted by anyone. The baby came so fast they missed the fact the blood was a different color. When Anastasia blacked out they became aware and called for a helicopter to lifeline her and the baby to the hospital. Gail and mom went along with them. I head to Anastasia's room.

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