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I got wind of something that happened recently in Seattle and found out through the FBI that Mia had advertised looking to adopt a baby. I told the FBI that Mia wasn't doing anything illegal that I am aware of. Her husband would know.
FBI Dan Davidson
I got a message to reach out and talk to Carrick Grey about his daughter Mia and someone who answered her ad to adopt a baby. He said to email him the ad and he will talk to Mia and bring her in to talk to them as well. I told him the sooner the better I explain to him that we have things set up to catch theses people who are answering these ads. Ninety per cent are not real.
Carrick tells me that he got word we got an answer on our baby adoption ad and word is the people who contacted us are trying to get cash from us and that is illegal unless it is expenses. After he tells me the FBI contacted him. I tell him I will get Mia to his office immediately and we will meet with this guy at the FBI after we verify he is who he says he is. Mia needs to know this right away.
Dad just called me about the ad to adopt a baby we placed. He wants me to stop all communication with any of the people have answered our ads. Dad told me the FBI wants to talk to Thomas and I about a recent issues of people selling babies to couples who are desperate and place these ads. We have gotten a great number of calls to our unknown number.
The next day
Dad told me not to communicate with anyone that answers our ads. I have made an appointment to meet a teen girl, but I called and rescheduled it. Thomas didn't know. The girl is still pregnant and needs money for a place to live. Her asking for money reminded me of what dad told me about the FBI said there are people who sell babies to desperate couples. I check3d further into it and omg I took my ads down for wanting a baby to adopt immediately. I did bring all the information the people who contacted us sent. A few tried to get our information, but we wouldn't get it.
FBI Dan Davidson
I have Carrick Grey bring his daughter and son in law to talk them about these ads and what information they got. They definitely got a lot of people contacting them. Some even sent photos to them. A few of them actually took photos of babies in the hospital nursery. They blacked out the names on the bassinets. They are clever about what they do to take these couples money. The Sawyers gave me everything and the phone and drop box they had mail sent to. There were a couple of boxes of evidence. I tell them we will take care of it from here and to not chance placing an ad or answering an ad like the ones for babies.
I hand over the ads we answered and the letters we got back from them. As soon as they wanted money we threw the letter and their ad in a no way box. There was no way to trace the people either way.
You both need to be patient and stay on the list to become adoptive parents. I know it is hard, but think of all those kids out there who need you.
I am trying dad, but we have stop all communication with the people from the ads. I look at the pictures of the babies and recognize Joseph Gray. They used Ana's babies photos from the hospital bassinet. Omg that is at Christian's home. I show them the background and it shows a clear shot of the room. I happen to know Ana isn't the one who did this. Then the other shows his brother and he is in his bed. Both are looking at the camera in each photo. I don't know how we missed this.
We need to find out who is behind these photos and letters and ads.
I am told some very disconcerting news regarding Mia and Thomas and ads concerning adopting a baby. But the kicker is that someone used photos of Ana's twins and not just in the hospital, but in their nurseries at Anastasia and Christian's home. It looked recent. So it had to be someone using photos of the babies to send with the texts, emails and letters.
Manny Albert Shaw
I got past the background check and looking down at my sons. I take the photos like I did in the hospital. My wife has an idea on how we can make some money and it is a great idea. When she found out about what happened, she wanted to have me arrested, but she couldn't prove anything and now there is evidence. So she wants to have me make money off them since there are so many people who are desperate for a baby. I just overhead that Mia Sawyer can't have children, so I give Gretchen the photos and she is handling everything at this point.
Carrick has asked me to find out who has been photographing Ana's twins and when. He says someone has both boys photos at the hospital and the nurseries at Anastasia and Christian's home. I start looking through the footage from the nursery. Shaw is the only one taking photos that isn't family.
Tamra Shaw
I tried hard to get cash from the people who placed an ad for the babies and answered a few ads, but no money was forthcoming. We got a lot of texts, emails and letters wanting to meet us and see the babies and hold them. But we told them we had to assure they were legitimate before we would meet them with the babies.

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