Mia Elopes

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Thomas Sawyer and I have been friends since he started working for Christian. He has been my CPO since he started working for him. We became closer after I moved into the penthouse. I had no idea they had staff quarters and he lived in them. I came out and he was in the kitchen one morning. I was in a long t shirt wing only panties under it. He didn't have his shirt on and a pair of boxers on. I don't know what came over us, but we were definitely not moving to go get dressed in something. We finally went to get dress3d and I cooked breakfast for us both.
Three weeks later we gave in to our needs and we were inseparable after that.
We can go ahead with our book and we are going to get the royalties from Heaven Awaits and the autobiography as well. We are writing our own version. Hyde was sleaze ball. He came onto Anastasia while I was sitting there.
I tried to get Anastasia to meet me alone and touched her hands.
Mr Hyde you are never going to be alone with me ever. This is my husband and you know that. Touch me again and you will lost that part of your body are we clear on that as I pull out my gun and check if it is loaded. Say hi to Buella. I place it in its holster. He got the point and that is all I wanted.
Listen Hyde we want the royalties on Heaven Awaits. We also are preventing your company from signing a new contract with Isabel. Right now we could take a huge chunk of your company. Mrs Grey is not interested in cheating on her husband at all, so cut the crap. You think doing that will intimidate her, well it didn't did it?
I have no idea what you mean.
Hyde you have a reputation and a bad one at that. People talk you know. I doubt you intimidate anyone in this meeting. So if I were you Zi would call the owner of this company now. We are wasting out valuable time talking to you about anything at all.
I call Jerry and tell him we have a huge problem in my office.
Jerry Roach
I head down to Hyde's office and I immediately recognize the Grey's and I know exactly why they are here. I told Hyde not to publish Isabel Ashers book, since it was a true story, little did we know it was a billionaires wife she was writing about. I ask them to join me in a conference room and call my attorneys to join us.
We get to the conference room and Roaches attorneys are waiting for us. Hyde looks smug as he thinks he will sit by me or Mrs Grey. Their bodyguards sits on either side of us. Christian is sitting between Anastasia and me. I give Roach our demands. I tell him that they are non negotiable. He is lucky if we don't take his company, because Hyde knew that Isabels story was involving a billionaires wife. He thought the newspapers would help sales and he was right. But no one gave anyone permission to write and publish the story of what Isabel did to the Grey family.
Why should we need to have to find out if our stories are in the news papers and are what our authors have written about so what, how does that prove it is you?
Really well unfortunately for you their is evidence to prove it is her and Mrs Asher this story is about. DNA evidence along with it. So get off your high horse Hyde, you knew this story was true and Mrs Asher told us you knew and you knew the more you released to the newspapers the more the book would sell. We have proof you fed the newspapers the story and who what and where. You edited the book, but you forgot a few things, or you might have left them in just to assure people knew who the book was about. Now read those papers and sign them now. I think mr Roach should know a few other things about your autobiography for Mrs Asher as well. I am filing a injunction to prevent release of that book. She can't use any of the story about Mrs Grey unless mr Roach wants to lose his company. Right now we could easily take it, but we are giving him a chance to settle and fire you mr Hyde. We have witnesses that will come forward against you. You aren't like very much mr Hyde did you know that?
I give a flying .... If no one likes me at all.
Oh that is very obvious, according to a lot of mistreated and sexually harassed female news people. Especially when you give  only men the information to print, well guess what you are going to be blackballed by all female owned newspapers around the world. Those men you handed the stories are cursing you right now on their way to get jobs elsewhere.
Three hours later Hyde is clearing out his office with security watching his every move. We are being written a check by Roaches insurance company and they have quashed any new prints of Heaven Awaits. They have declined Mrs Ashers autobiography. They also have sent out word that she had no rights to include the embryo story in any future stories. Anyone printing it without getting the rights to do so shall be sued for all they are worth.
We walked away winners on this, all of us are happy and some villains are paying the price for their wrongdoing.
Mom just called me and told me Mia got married in Las Vegas.
Mia and Thomas Sawyer her CPO just got married in Las Vegas. Apparently they have been dating since she broke it off with Ethan.

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