A Honeymoon Baby

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Anastasia and I have been home for a month and we are buying a family home. We find a nice place that has a huge fence around it. You can't see the house from any direction, I like that idea, I can make love to her outside under the stars. The pool is in the basement gym area.  It has a sauna and a hot tub as well. We check out the master suite I want to get panic rooms built, security office, an office for each one of us.
I haven't been able to keep food down for a week, Christian thinks I am pregnant so off we go to the best Ob GYN. Thirty minutes later, the shot was from a defective batch. So we are having a baby. Christian is thrilled. I guess we got pregnant on our honeymoon. Christian asks if we can have sex of course and dr Greens says that is the question most she is asked. We get home and Christian takes me to bed to celebrate. We have sex until supper is ready. We smile as we eat supper and Gail goes back to her residence. Christian leads me to the patio and he has pillows and blankets for us to lay on. The stars are bright and Christian opens my robe and his and holds me to him and he kisses our baby bump and starts licking and sucking every inch of me. He sucks my nipples and heads south and I come twice as he positions himself and enters me very slowly. He kisses me and says I can hardly wait for our baby to arrive. We have sex every way imaginable under the stars. The sun wakes me up and Christian smiles as he kisses me and moves as he hardens inside of me again. We both come together as we hear Mia calling out for us. We wrap our robes around us and I run to take a shower.
Hi Mia did you need something?
Well I was going to ask Anastasia about her newest book.
She sent it to the publisher already. What's wrong Mia?
Emma woke up from her coma and asked for you, she doesn't know you broke up with her or that you got married.
Well her parents think a visit from you would be a good idea.
If I visit it will be with my wife and inform her of our marriage.
Her parents are worried it might set her back if she finds out you are married.
Well that is something they need to face now instead of not telling her and letting her believe Christian is still her boyfriend and not my husband. That is not happening ever.
Please Anastasia.
Mia I am not going to sit by while Emma kisses Christian and tries to have sex with my husband. Just tell her the truth so she move on and get well without Christian pretending everything is okay. I think something is fishy here Mia. Her parents want this or is she the one behind this plan?
Her parents idea.
Mia I think she is manipulating this situation and her parents are in on it. Has any of her doctors concur with this? I truly doubt it.ask your mother to look into this because it just doesn't seem right.
I think a psychiatrist would be better than what they are suggesting actually. I will be back.
Mr Grey wants me to find some way to listen to conversations between Emma and her parents.
I tell him what Mia said and that Emma's parents has suggested not informing her of our break up and my marriage.
Sir that is a bs story if you ask me. Plus you are asking for trouble even considering it. Anastasia won't go along with it and neither would any sane person.
I need a shower and we will work on seeing if we can have her see a psychiatrist. I shower and we head out to the house we bought. Elliott has been working hard and now he needs to add a nursery now.
Taylor told me about Emma's scam about having Christian visit and perpetuate him still being her boyfriend and not being married. Oh that is too much and I am sure she pulling some crap and her parents are in on it. I give Taylor her room number and let him do what he needs to do to prove she is doing this.
Mia was brought in on the scam because she would talk Christian into it, well that hasn't happened and it won't happen. I go check out the room and have the nurse bring in the flowers that I was asked to bring up to her room. It has a bug in it. I check the camera type and send it to Barney and he starts getting feeds from Emma's room.
It is all set and the video footage is being sent to me, my head Of IT and security are now sure she is trying to get Christian back and it is too late and I am married already. We listen and it is her parents who are badgering her into doing this. I hear it, they know I got married. She wants nothing to do with breaking up a marriage. That is what I wanted to hear. I keep wondering besides the money why are they so desperate for Emma to do this , I have Taylor check out exactly what is going on in their lives to be that desperate.
Grace told me Emma's parents have been living from paycheck to paycheck. So that is why they wanted her to marry Christian Grey. Christian has been paying for everything  and bought them a home along with Emma. She will get money until she is finds a job

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