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We are celebrating the triplets first birthday. I can't wait. We went to counseling sessions and all the sudden we stopped thinking about the triplets as anything but our children. Anastasia like the mother she is accepted the triplets into her heart and mind quicker than the rest of us. The first time they ran a fever she was taking care of them day and night. Anastasia wrote a fictional story and created a different plot and people to get this out of her system. I want to read it before we even think about taking it to print.
We had a great party for the triplets. The kids had fun for what it was. Elliott and Kate brought their triplets and made an announcement. She is two months pregnant.
Mom and dad loved the party and their great grand babies. Raymond brought Enid and they quietly told Anastasia they are getting married at the courthouse and want her and Christian to attend the wedding. They want a small reception afterwards for family and friends. Gail and Jason's children play well with any children. Christian and Anastasia built a playground that allows both properties to be opened up to create a safe environment for all the children to safely play out of site of the public eyes. Elliott and a few of the security team asked how to create a safe and secure playground for all the children.
Dad said I could invite a few friends over and I did, but for some reason they keep staring at mr Grey. Then they see Theodore he is younger by three years and very tall for his age. Phoebe has a few friends over as well and they are drooling over Teddy as well. One of my friends has told me she plans on marrying Teddy when he is older. Charlene is definitely very pretty. I am going on eight and Charlene is eight going on nine. Teddy will be five soon, he is definitely his fathers son, but too young to think about things like marrying him. All of us had a great day. The small ones were worn out by the time it was done and put down for a nap. Gail had her hands full as well. But she handled it all as did Anastasia and the rest of the family.
Enid is showing off her engagement ring. We will be getting married in two weeks and Mia is going to cater for it. She and Thomas have been busy and he is also creating a security company that he works it when he is available. Mia handles all the calls and has three assistants handling each service they provide. Staff is being added on as needed at this point. Jose and Sarah brought their children and they are doing very well helping me out. The business has grown and we have hired more staff with Sarah's help. At this point it feels like a family owned and operated company.
All these little munchkins running around make me want my own baby, but we have to get the security up and running and that could be another year.
I see Mia drooling over all the little ones and I feel bad we haven't had our own children yet. We are going to be married two years soon. I want to surprise her and ask her if she wants to have our children then. I hope she says yes to me.
Unknown Male
Did you get the photos you wanted? She pulls out her memory card and plugs it in to her laptop. She looks at the photos and we watch as three birthday cakes are brought out and sat before very beautiful babies. It is a good thing these babies look like their biological mother and not me.
Unknown Female
I nearly got caught, but when that many children are running around it was easy to get in and get out, I won't be so lucky the next time. They thought I was one of the other children's nannies. I show him all the angles and the babies look just like their biological mother. My brother attracts women, but no one quite as beautiful as her. Let's go before someone sees us hanging out here. We have other places to be.
Unknown Male
You know I hate doing things on any of our families birthdays. Can we at least wait until midnight?
Unknown Female
Okay let's at least get into position and get it taken care of no longer than an hour after midnight New York time. Let's get to the jet, it is waiting on the tarmac. Well we have our photos so let's get the wheels up. I put my headset up and he closes the outer door. Our luggage is already on board. He comes and sits down and we start our engines to taxi into position.
Unknown Male
I am glad she got her pilots licenses and encouraged me to as well. We get clearance to get in line for take off. We switch off on flying and what we do so we don't get rusty, I couldn't kill Isabel, but she knew it when she looked into my eyes as the needles were plunged into different veins to assure she dies and they can't figure out how and what drug. I did however kill Kavanagh and Hyde. I took pleasure in doing both of them.
Not sure if the people watching the estate is a problem or not. With so many cars I won'r be able to catch them and I think they know that. Whoever it is could have easily came in and did as they wished and got away. No plates and can't see inside. They drive off being careful as they drive safely around a few children on bikes riding with their parents. I have a feeling who they are and we lost contact with them after they left New York.

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