A Party To Remember

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I am surrounded by people I know from school and the Grey family. Jose and Sarah arrive and she is very pregnant I hadn't notice how big she was when they picked up the car. I am happy about my new car, they thank me once again. Dad had been working on a set of nursery furniture and he didn't have a work order for it just a date it needed to be finished by. Now I know he is making for Jose and Sarah. They give me a present, that they most likely couldn't afford. I thank them and sit the gift down to open with the others later. I tell them to enjoy the party.
I have to say Raymond did a great job of updating this place I had no idea he had put in a pool and a pool house. I love the place and it is no longer a dreary home. It is a bright and cheery place and has a beautiful gazebo in the middle of a garden patio type thing. Mia actually catered this party. I am so proud of her. She hired some of her schoolmates to help her with it.
Mia did very nicely on this party. Anastasia is wearing a dress that Mia made especially for her, that was her gift to Anastasia. It looks great. Mia is definitely great at cooking and designing dresses and sewing them.
I ask Annie if she is having a good birthday?
I tell him it is wonderful. I hug, kiss and thank him for the party. I am dancing with a guy friend from school he is trying his best to make a move on me and I end the dance and find dad. We get the cake and the presents. Christian is standing with a girl holding onto his arm and so is Elliott. Ricky tries yet again to insert himself next to me like he is my date. Dad takes him aside and he leaves me alone from that point on.
I saw that guy trying to paw you like he thought he was entitled to. I had a word with him. I don't want him around you again. Ricky Sanders is one of those idiots who thinks women are here just to give him sex and that's all you are good for. Well he knows better now, I told him that he better not try to paw you ever again. So I told him that you are off limits from now on.
I thank dad for looking out for me. I was about to smack Ricky, but I end the dance and left him gawking. I would think taking his roaming hands off me would give him a clue. I am getting ready to blow out my candles on my cake. Everyone is singing happy birthday and Christian catches my eyes and smiles and says happy birthday. His girlfriend frowns at me and notices Christian looking at me. She drags him away quickly. Ricky is dancing with Leila and she is very uncomfortable as well. Dad goes over and finally escorts him to his car and tells him he can leave now. He huffs and glares at me and my dad blocks him from looking at me. He speeds out of the driveway.
Wow your dad did us girls a favor, Ricky has tried to maul all us single ladies. I think Kate slapped him silly before he asked you to dance.
Listen Anastasia I think we need a CPO for you, that guy is trouble. He told me that I can't be everywhere and as such I can't protect you from him or his friends. I am glad you have graduated from high school and attending college. But this guy is a threat to you and your friends.
Mia told me what Ricky did, you be careful around him Anastasia. He has been in a lot of trouble and got away with a lot and now he thinks he can do what he wants to do to anyone at all. He is never alone when he extracts revenge.
I will start carrying my guns and wear my vest. I will keep an eye out for him.
Believe me you are going to have protection until he is taken off the streets along with his friends.
I over hear what was said and decide to find out about that guy. Taylor got his plate numbers for me after he heard the threat he made about him and his friends finding Anastasia all alone and not protected by her daddy. I ask Taylor to get his information and his friends names and information as well. Hopefully they won't do anything to Anastasia. I have him talk with Ray about keeping Anastasia safe. Like adding undercover protection and have the kid and his friends followed.
Emma Andrews
Why are you so worried about Anastasias safety anyway, I am your girlfriend not her.
She and I have known each other since she was a week old. That is why. If you have an issue with it you know where the door is, don't you?
I am just making a point and I am right about this and you know it.
I will never stop worrying about a friends safety including Mia's friends. So accept it or find a new boyfriend understand me Emma.
Maybe I will find a new boyfriend. He calls Taylor and asks him to drive me home.
I have Taylor drive Emma home and make arrangements to get her things out of my penthouse the next day and deliver it to her. I have the codes changed as well. I block her number on my phone. I look at her and tell her Taylor will drive her home and I will have her things boxed up and returned to her. I tell Taylor to tell the landlord of her apartment that I will no longer be paying her rent after the lease ends in six months. She can keep her car, but she has to change the title over to her name. Plus her jewelry is to be sent to her as well. The recent pieces are being sent back to the store. I won't deal with her snide comments about anyone ever again.

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