Cadnace's Gifts

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I get a call from an attorney. Ansel Green. He asked me if I know a girl by the name Candace Stevens. I definitely recall Candace Stevens. He wants to see me right away. I ask if we can meet at my dads office for this meeting.
Ansel Green
We sure can let me know the time and place. Do you have baby car seats by any chance?
No, because I don't have a baby.
Ansel Green.
Okay then. I think to myself we need to pick up supplies on the way there. Candace Stevens has not told mr Elliott Grey anything. He has no idea his life is about to change because of a one night stand and a faulty shot and bad condom.
Carrick Grey
Elliott called and set up a meeting between, him, me and Ansel Green an attorney that has a general practice law. So it could be anything. Pretty sure it isn't a criminal case.
Ansel Green
We load the mini van with all we need to bring today. Andrew and Lisa Brown are with me to help today. We unload at Carrick Grey's law firm and I have them wait  in the living baby until I call for them to come up.
Ansel arrives with a box and a briefcase, he asks if Elliott will be here soon.
Just then a big man in a flannel work shirt, jeans and work boots arrives. Carrick introduces me. I explain I am the executor of miss Stevens will. I hand him a copy and Carrick a copy. Then I hand them the birth certificates. I explain that Candace left this world with no relatives and he is the father of her children. They look at three birth certificates. Two boys and a girl. She gave them names. Christian Elliott Grey, Theodore Carrick Grey and Mia Grace Grey. He suggested DNA testing, but he is pretty sure they are Elliott's children. He calls for someone and asks us to wait and see.
We head up to Carrick Grey's office and the three baby stroller just fits into the elevator.
I hope this guy takes care of these babies, they need to be loved like Candace needed loved. We arrive and are lead into Carrick Grey's office. The assistant helps us inside. I see their father, they look like doppelgängers of him with the exception of Mia being a girl. Eyes, hair and features. They look nothing like Candace.
Well we can see how much they look like you. But DNA tests will confirm it. Do you want to hold your children Elliott Grey?
The guy takes the little girl out and hands her to me. Then he offers one of the boys to my dad. My dad takes him and he looks like a mini me. Then the lady takes the other boy out and I am dumbfounded. I tell dad to get mom on the line to run the DNA testing .
I am looking at Elliott's mini me. There are three babies who look like they are Elliott's babies. I call Grace and ask her to run DNA tests on three babies and she says she can come over now.
I grab my bag and get the DNA tests that Carrick needs me to get and head over to his law offices. I arrive thirty minutes later. When I open the office door there are crying babies and two people trying to change diapers. I lay my bag down and take the baby from Elliott and grab a diaper and a wet one. In two minutes I have her changed and hand a pacifier to Elliott along with the girl. I take the baby from Carrick and follow suit and hand the boy back with a  pacifier. The other boy is finally diapered. I ask if they have any bottles of formula?
Yes here are three ready to go, but need heated up.
I take them and heat them up and return to the office. I finally get a good look at the babies as I swab their mouths one by one. Them take three swabs of Elliott's mouth. I place each test in a sealed container and mark them with names, dates and birthdays and paternity testing. I ask if I can sit in on this meeting, since none of them really know how to care for triplets. The babies are asleep in the stroller after burping them all. I am finally filled in as to what is going  on. I guess Carrick and I have possible new grandchildren. Elliott hands me the birth certificates and tells me he definitely had sex with the mother and the timing was right.
Okay she left the children to you Elliott, so they are yours as of today. I need you to sign these papers accepting your babies the insurance money and all Candaces properties and the trust funds for each of the children. All their car seats are in the mini van that is now yours. If you decide you can't care for them call me. Oh here is the nanny's number she is incredible and has two friends who can rotate shifts for you.
I look at the nanny's names and don't recognize them at all. But they have new nanny's all the time. I hand Elliott the cards and the attorney wants us to see the mini van and get the Kay's to the van and the properties that Candace owned. Elliott is given all the deeds and everything he needs for the babies and Carrick is given duplicates of everything. He is handed a big bunch of yellow legal sized envelopes.
Ansel hands me four checkbooks along with everything to sign onto the accounts. He explains that Candace was a trust fund child that owned her own company and was a billionaire in her own right. Cancer is what finally took her life just after she gave birth.

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