Baby Blues

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Jason was given time off to concentrate on getting ready for our son. Sophie loves that her brother Jason Edward Taylor jr. will be here soon. I am making up work schedules and so is Jason, even though we are supposed to be preparing for our son. Everything is running smoothly so far. Anastasia is due a month from my due date. She is bored out of her mind and has been writing up a storm. Her books are flying off the shelves now that she has a bit of spice to them. She gives me and the family our own books to preview. At first I was embarrassed about being found out about reading books with hot and steamy sex scenes. All I can say is the Jason appreciates the fact that he reaps the rewards the books inspire me to have a bigger appetite in the sexual sense. Creativity is inspired and being pregnant can increase needs for sex.
At first I thought Anastasia's books were what sparked a lot of amorous attention from Gail. Then I was told that pregnant women seem to need sex more than they normally would if not pregnant. I looked it up after Gail and I got caught in an embarrassing situation. Anastasia just chuckled and shut the door and said carry on. She left the kitchen cupboard very quickly after grabbing her fig newtons. It was hard to look her in the eyes later, but she handed her three new fresh from print books for Gail to enjoy. I took them, thanks her and left for parts unknown.
It isn't like Gail and Jason haven't found Christian and I in some very compromising positions and just acted like they saw nothing. Christian and I have our moments, what sexually active people don't. I have heard stories about Grace and Carrick. But what is not surprising us grandma and grandpa Trevelyan being discovered in the boathouse having sex in Elliott's favorite place to take his conquests at social events. Imagine if we must, Elliott and his friend going into the boat house and they are so caught up in their fondling and such and don't hear the moans and groans of a couple already using the room above the boats. Then you find it is your grandparents hiding under the sheets on the bed that you hoped to use. Talk about a mood killer. His grandfather laughed and asked for ten more minutes. While his grandmother winked at Elliot and the women he had nearly undressed. He never lived that down. They still embarrass him.
At first I hated being walked in on while having sex with Anastasia, but now I think it is just what happens when you have a multitude of staff members. Gail and Jason aren't the first of our staff members who have been caught having sex in inconvenient places. We have decided to use a signal for such times. A tie on the doorknob has worked best. Plus locking doors help as well. Now that Anastasia is writing erotica in some of her books, the sex has increased not only for us, but for her fans which include all of the females in our family. Smiles on the faces of our married male friends when they are given the latest books tells us everything we suspected. Plus Anastasia is voracious during her pregnancy. As a man I need to satisfy all her cravings no matter when, where and well timing is big part as well, can't traumatize Teddy.
I finally got my office set up and am taking in patients. I have bought the ring, I know it is fast and Mia is still working hard on building two businesses, but I am asking her to marry me. I know she is good with children, because she babysits for people when we aren't busy. It is rare that she says no.
I see Elliott and his babies and I love being their auntie, but I want my own baby and marriage as well. My two siblings have children and I want one as well. Mom says it is normal to start wanting babies. Especially after becoming an auntie.
Mia is having baby blues and wanting her own baby. I tell her make sure she picks a good father as well. I know if Candace had told Elliott about the triplets early in the pregnancy he would have been there all through the pregnancy. She had only the attorney and no one else. The couple who brought them were hired by the attorney to care for them. They did a great job too. Elliott has asked them to help with childcare staffing. They are going to be in charge of setting it all up for all his sites.
I have been dating Kate and her parents don't want her dating a guy like me. They made it very clear, the one thing you don't do is tell Kate what she can't do or who she can or can't date. The rift between them caused her to change jobs. She is now working for Grey Publishing and is helping with a few difficult authors. Something she excels at. Anastasia recommended her even before she quit working for Kavanagh Media. She kept trying to get Christian to make her a deal she wouldn't refuse. Well they hav3 her now. She definitely knows how to hand hostile uncooperative authors. One guy she finally told him to take a hike, but he had to fulfill his contracts. They had to sue him for breech of contract and won. No one will work with him that is how bad he burned bridges.
I now work at Grey Publishing, Anastasia made sure I was put in a position where my talents are put to good use. I got a bonus after six months. We have expanded into the international areas due to our erotic and sci fi novels. We even have sci fi erotica. Talk about not keeping the books on the shelves. Even sci fi lovers like erotica. Lol

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