Driven By Love

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My drivers license wasn't hard to get and daddy bought me a new car and had me take classes to learn basic repairs and bought me a year of roadside repair and tow service so I wouldn't be stranded he bought me and him a cell phone to assure my safety. I have a gun, but he won't allow me to get my conceal and carry license yet. I know how to shoot and my self defense is getting better. Mia has joined us in the self defense courses, but she can't go shooting because her parents have forbidden it. Kate Kavanagh has joined us at the shooting range. Her parents encouraged it. Since she will be in a dangerous occupation they felt it would be good for her to learn all ways to protect herself. Kate has finally got the whole story about Hyde. Hyde was shown the error of his ways in prison. He pretty much was castrated by two family members of his victims. The person who instigated the attack, knew what they were doing. They had medical training somewhere. No one was charged for the assault. No one would come forward as a witness to the assault. They couldn't prove it was anyone at all. The investigation went nowhere.
I tried to get an interview with Hyde, but he refused to talk to anyone about the attack on him. I got a copy of the rules and explanation of them from Mia. Dad loved them. He asked for permission to print them in the paper.
I chuckled when Eamon asked to have lunch with me to talk about printing my rules and the explanation for each of them. I sign a release for him to use my rules and explanation for them. He said Kate brought them home and he looked them over and thought it would be something they could print in the paper and Kate is going to write a story around it without making mention of who wrote them up. She is playing up the fact that it provides a wonderful guideline for girls and women ways to prevent boys and men to manipulate women into having sex with them. He is assuring me that he will show me her story before it is printed.
This guy has raised his daughter from birth without real help. He has my respect and I wished I had created this rules list and the explanation for each of the rules. He agrees to read the story and give me his thoughts on it afterward. I hope Kate takes this seriously. She seemed to like mr Steele's input on what goes on in males minds and that they don't have the same worries that females have regarding life in general and in particular about sex. He is right on point with all of it. We shake hands and a week later he loves the article and verbally approves it. We got a great response to it from the readers both male and female readers.
I have a date and she is clueless as to what I do and my net worth, well at least I thought she was. I just bought a piece of property to have my new GEH headquarters here in Seattle. I have buildings in New York, California, Alaska, Texas, Florida and Massachusetts. Those are just the GEH buildings. My net worth now at 23 going on 24 is getting close to a billion dollars. I avoid the press on a regular basis. Raymond Steele recommended I get security and soon, he put me in contact with two ex black ops that are worth their weight in gold when it comes to protecting people and can find information and a needle in a haystack. Running background checks is what these guys live for. Jason Taylor and Charles Welch. A week later I have hired two excellent security people. They start working on getting my company up to date on everything, including my IT department. They find a young phenomenon on computers, and everything relating to them. They tell me they can get all our properties setup to prevent any breaches in security or even hacking issues. Ten million dollars later my homes, companies, my families homes, my apartments and vacation homes are all set up for my safety and security. They tell me my convertible is a safety problem for me. I have Them find the safest car out there and they insist that I am driven at this point. They encourage me to move to a high security building they had two in mind. I chose the empty penthouse at Escala because of the helipad. I just got my license to fly and this was a good fir. I hired a housekeeper and Taylor, Welch and Barney came in and got a security room and a panic room in several locations in the penthouse. The staff has half of the penthouse and I have the other half. They have security that will be living here along with the housekeeper and cook. Taylor is in his own apartment below us, we had a staircase built so he could enter the penthouse unseen. He has a daughter from his failed marriage. His ex wife is a royal B and thought she was going to hold the poor child hostage if she didn't get more and more money. She found out he is working for me and decided to bleed him dry. I have a team of lawyers that are sharks and they went after the guppy she calls her attorney. I pay for his daughters schooling and we made sure that we show that as him providing her with the best education money can buy. At first when his ex called me directly I got mad, now I just record it and listen to her rants and tell her my attorney will listen to this recording and talk to your attorney in regards to your threats. She hangs up at that statement.
My eighteenth birthday is coming soon and dad wants to throw me a big party to celebrate it. He wants to replace my car with a safer one. I accept it of course because he has my best interest at heart. I ask him what we will do with my two year old car?
Oh I know someone who could use it. My assistant and his wife need a car. He is a good employee of mine and he needs it. She gets the title and signs it and gives it to me. I call Jose Jr and tell him he can have the car. He just got married and they are about to have a baby. Jose Rodriguez Sr died and Jose jr needed help from me, so I help him by giving him a job and help him find a home. His wife Sarah was so happy she gave me a tearful hug. Today I call them to come get the car and get it titled and in their names. I hand them enough money to accomplish that. Anastasia hugged them both as well and watched as her car drives away with a young couple in love drive home. A friend drove them here and are following them to the license branch to assure they have enough money to register it in their names.
I am careless for now. I guess he is waiting to give the car to me on my birthday.
Your car has arrived and here are the keys and I open the garage to a nice mini SUV fully loaded. I tell her it is top of the line in that model.
Thanks daddy, I love it, the purple metallic is great. Lavender seats and knobs and door handles. This is what looks like a designer type of vehicle. He shows me the matching tool kit and tire changing area. The book on this car in in lavender as well. He shows me how up to date the electronics are and it is just a beautiful and well thought out gift. I hug my daddy and kiss his cheek.

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