Mia's Tears

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I finally meet Ana the thirteen year old mother of two boys. Thomas was on duty so I made it to the party and really wasn't thrilled to meet the young mother. Mom forced the meeting and I loved the boys and Ana was a typical teenage girl. What no one knew and I didn't want to talk to anyone about it yet, dr Roberts had given Thomas and I bad news about getting pregnant. I can't get pregnant. We had tried and nothing after two years. I can't carry a baby either. So here is this thirteen year old with twin boys. I hold my tears until I got to the restroom. Mom followed me and I told her about what dr Roberts told us and she held me close and told me not to be jealous of Ana. She told me about Ana's life prior to the hospital and then explained that unlike me she had her life as a free spirited loved teenage girl taken from her by a racist friend of who they thought was her father. It turned out she was kidnapped by the cousins of these people and just now found. But her family were no longer alive. So if anything she should do what she can to be friends to Ana. I did as asked by mom.
Mia has tears in her eyes as she holds the children. There isn't anything to do, but wait for her to mourn our loss to have our own child. We are thinking adopting and have spoken to Carrick about adoption paperwork and Grace about what is the best way to go about adopting. I am here guarding Kate. Mia and I are working hard to get everything going. I moved my security company to another building, since Mia's catering and her clothing design business was growing she needed the whole building. I hired a manager and soon I will be running it and retire from working for the Grey family. Jason has sent people for jobs and they are hiring staff.
I have no idea why Mia was so sad about holding the boys and I didn't want to ask her, because I saw the beginnings of tears as she was holding my boys. Then I see her head to the restroom and Grace follows. They are gone for a while. I put the boys down for their nap and turn their language cd on. I head back down and grace is wiping a tear out of Mia's eyes and telling her how there are plenty of children out there that need a loving family. She tells her that they will be her and Thomas's children just not biological. I know they had no idea I heard them and didn't plan for me to hear that. I start thinking if I am being selfish and my sons would be better off with someone like Mia and Thomas. I join the family holding the baby the iPad to watch the boys on. I start thinking about my boys. Would they have taken custody of me if I hadn't had the boys.
Ana asked to talk to Christian and I and after everyone left.
Ana wants to talk to Anastasia and I about something important.
An hour later
Christian calls me to his office and Anastasia is sitting there with him. I ask them point blank if they only took custody of me because of the twins?
No we would have taken custody twins or not. We just knew all of you needed a good hone and not in foster care. They would have separated you from your babies. But the babies were not the deciding factor. But we wanted all of you to stay together, because it seemed that was what you wanted and we wanted to insure you got that. Grace called us immediately in regards to you and your twins so you could be placed with us with your sons. But we wanted you to be in a safe and loving environment. You want to stay here right?
Yes I want to stay, I was worried you only took me in because of the twins.
No we took you in because you needs a safe home to live in and we could give that to you. Mom was worried that they would place you in foster care and pressure you into giving your boys up, so she called Anastasia and me to come over and meet you specifically. We did and we have never regretted signing custody papers for you and then your boys. Are you happy here?
I am happy and hope this dream doesn't end. The nannies and mannies and I differ about the cds teaching languages while the babies sleep.
Yes I heard about that, I reminded them that the boys are your children not mine or Anastasia's. They are your employees for the most part. Don't let them bully you around, tell us if they do. Gail is also boss over them if they don't respect your choice for your boys. Security will follow your orders if they need to escort them off the premises.
Good to know.
We need to remind you of the rules of the house though. Mother or not you are still 13 and you have your education to complete as do all the children in this family. We give rules so to set boundaries and to keep you all safe as well. Plus education is a huge thing for anyone.
Oh I want to get a college degree and a good job so my boys will have a good future. I plan to make sure they are learning everything they can at a very early age. So right now it is language cds, next math and science and whatever I can find on cd that teaches them as they listen to the cd.

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