An Unwanted Visitor

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We are finally in a hospital suite and Anastasia is finally able to breast feed our baby. I love watching her feed our son. Six weeks is going to be darn hard for both of us. I can't take my eyes off my family. The door opens and I don't know the man walking in the door.
Thomas Gordon Carla's Brother
I introduce myself to the Grey family and explain that I am Carla's brother. I am sure now that Carla was her typical self. She was disowned by mom and dad and written out of the will as well. I know Raymond had no idea about Carla's family because she changed her name several times. The police were watching to see if she made contact with us. Then suddenly they stopped. We found out why when we saw Anastasia in the papers recently. Dad had a PI check things out and here I am to find out more about Anastasia Grey. Except looking exactly like her mother, she is the light to Carla's darkness. Now we have to protect her from the cousins. Apples from the same tree can be rotten, in our family Carla and my cousins were the rotten ones. Five cousins who think the world owes them like Carla did. Trina, Ashley, Vivian, Chester and finally Stuart Gordon all were raised by good people, but they didn't appreciate all they had and thought they deserved more. Working for it never crossed their minds. I am glad I was here to warn Raymond and Anastasia about them and their plans to live in Seattle and enjoy the perks of being related to Anastasia Grey. I contact Raymond Steele Anastasia's father, because he was easily found in the phone book. I explained everything to him and give him my number.
Thomas Gordon was who he says he is, Christian had him checked out and family photos proved him to be telling the truth. We were prepared for the onslaught if the other Gordon family members. Thomas and Carla were Theresa and Herbert Gordon's children. Carla was always a good for nothing money grubber.
Trina Gordon
I slip past the security and walk into the suite Anastasia Grey, my cousin is in and see she is asleep. I am about to pick up her son, when a man walks in the room and demands to know who I am.
Excuse me who are you and how did you get past security?
I inform him I am Anastasia's cousin. He tells me to leave immediately and not to come back again. I demand to know who he is and tell him I have every right to visit my cousin. A very good looking man arrives and tells me to leave or the cops will be called. I decide to leave, can't have my parole officer finding out where I am before I get some cash.
Who was that?
One of your relatives, well Carla's relatives looking for a cash payout from you and your husband.
Well that will never happen.
Apparently there are five of them who decided to come to Seattle after seeing your photos in the Seattle times.
How did she get in here and almost to my son?
That definitely won't happen again, we are getting you out of here as soon as you can travel.
She got the other four to distract our men, that is how she was able to slip though. It is a good thing the baby is here with you.
So you think they will try to kidnap Theodore?
In a heartbeat.
I almost got the baby, but I got caught and was told to leave before the cops were called to make me leave. Ashley needs to get involved, get her here, because she looks like Anastasia and might fool people enough to get the baby.
Christian is on his way with my ride home, because of the unwanted visitor the hospital agreed that it would be best to release me. They are going to sneak me and Theodore up to the helipad and fly us home. Christian has hired a look a like and they have a life like baby they are going to use as a decoy in the suite.
Charlotte Turkleson Aspiring Actress
I normally don't take these kind of jobs, but this one pays the rent for two months and I am supposed to act like a billionaires wife who just had a baby. I have to pretend like the baby that operates like a real baby is a real baby. I can't let who comes to visit close enough to see it is not a real baby. I am to pretend I just had a baby boy. I am not to leave with anyone until I am given a signal. I must call the police if I am worried about my safety. Five people might be arriving and  they only want money and will try to get money from me and might try to kidnap me and the baby. Mr Taylor and Mr Sawyer are making sure I am safe. They have the room bugged and they have given me a panic button. Security come immediately. No one should be visiting me today and if they do they are the bad people. They will claim to be my cousins. They most likely are up to no good. So I act like a patient. Trina, Ashley, Vivian, Chester and Stuart all walk in like they own the place and I hit the panic button and wait. Security swarm the room and they know what is going. Five people enter the room in a hurry, I press the panic button and within a minute that seems longer they are cuffed and they are frisked. I just sit there holding the fake crying baby. They warned me that there were people trying to grab the woman I was pretending to be. All five have violated their patrol in Texas and Texas wants them back.

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