The One Where He Is An Idiot

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It's been three days since I found out the real reason why I need a guard and I hadn't had peace since, it just makes absolutely no sense, but then again, my life never made sense so I'm not even surprised anymore.

I talked to dad and he told me Russo will be moving in today and he's staying at the pool house right across my balcony door, we will even be sharing one side of the backyard along with the jacuzzi and the pool...I'm definitely not walking out there until he's gone.

I don't understand why he couldn't stay in his own house and come to work every morning like the rest of the world, It's a bunch of absurdity.

I spent the whole day binge watching Netflix shows and eating junk food until looking down and realizing I ate four ten piece chicken nuggets, two big Macs, one giant Cok, and a whole bag of extra-large popcorns.

"Last thing I need is to gain weight right now."I grab the fat on my stomach and sigh.

"If I don't workout on my own Chelsea will make me and her workouts are deadly."I mumble under my breath before getting up and walking to my closet.

I grab my workout clothes and quickly get dressed then head downstairs to the gym.

So working out for ten minutes will be enough, right? Then I can go back to finish all Adam Sandler movies.

I walk in and immediately stop in my tracks, anger rushing through my body at the sight in front of me.

No. dear God no, he's here.

He's doing my gym...with headphones on...IN MY GYM.

This is supposed to protect me? He has a butterfly tattoo on his leg and what kind of a person wears headphones on duty?

How dare he act like this is this house? Who does he think he is?

I cross my arms and lean on the doorframe, waiting for him to notice me.

Five minutes pass.

Ten minutes pass.

Fifteen pass and he's still going strong, didn't even take a single break.

How the hell does he have so much energy?

He finally stops and gets up, sweat dripping down his forehead as he's panting and walking towards the punching bag.

He starts hitting it with his whole body like he's imagining someone instead of that bag.

I stare for two more minutes before walking towards him and tapping his shoulder.

He turns around abruptly, almost knocking me down on the ground.

"Are you damn near insane?!"He yells in my face and I take a step back, feeling frightened.

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