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                              * Ariel *

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                              * Ariel *

"EVERYONE GET UPPPPP."I groan loudly and pull the covers over my head.

"Who the fuck is that?"

"It's my uncle Austin just pretend you're sleeping and he'll leave us alone."

"I don't have to pretend, I am half asleep."He throws his heavy arm over me and I cuddle into his chest.

Just when I was about to continue my sleep, the doors burst open and I sit up frightened.

"WAKEY, WAKEY, YOU FUCKERS, I JUST HEARD YOU'RE PREGNANT? AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME FIRST?"I rub my eyes and look at the clock on the nightstand

"Uncle, it's 6 am for crying out loud."I lay back down and bury my face in the crook of Falcon's neck.

"I don't give a shit if it's six in the morning, I am your favorite person in the world and I deserved to know first."

He runs up to us and pulls the covers off, we both groan in annoyance and Falcon throws a pillow at him.

"Man get the fuck out, we had a long night."

"I can see-What the hell is on your shoulder?"He asks with a frown on his face, I look at his shoulder and the activities from last night come rushing back, I finished the initial carving last night after our talk, well I wanted just my initials but he insisted on my full name.

"Ariel G. His Angel."Was what we settled for, right on top of his right shoulder, it was the only spot on his body that wasn't covered with some kind of a tattoo.

"It's my name obviously."

"If you didn't have money for a tattoo, I would have gave you some, my guy."He sits on the edge of the bed and stares at his shoulder, still  surprised.

"You two are just like me and your aunt Monica, we used to carve each other like that because she was an unfaithful hoe and I was a popular man whore."He chuckles and looks in the distance while grinning proudly.

"Ahh good times but your father will kill you if he sees that so maybe you should just hide it for Loga-"

"WHAT'S UP, YOU UGLY ASSES."Uncle Logan walks in the room and I cover my ears, groaning in despair.

"Why are you all here?! Go bother someone else it's too early for this shit!!"Falcon yells at them and they go quiet, looking at each other like they just got caught stealing.

"You are such a buzzkill, we came here not to bother you but to congratulate our baby and scold her for having sex."They smile brightly and before I was able to process it, they jump on top of me and hug me tightly, almost suffocating me with their weight.

"Our little Ariel is having a little Ariel."Uncle Logan gives me a sloppy kiss on the cheek and I frown, wiping the drool off my face.

"What makes you think it's not a little Falcon?"

Blinding Seduction 18+| Completed |Where stories live. Discover now