𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙 ℍ𝕚𝕞

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"You sure you want to go? We can always turn the car around and go back home."My mom says and looks out the window.

"It's okay mama, I need to go out and just forget about what happened with him."I say and look back down at my phone, I'm deleting all the pictures I have with him except the ones I turned out good in, I'll crop those and post them on Instagram later.

"She'll be fine sugar, look at her already clearing up space in her gallery for new nudes."Uncle Austin jokes and I gasp, I don't know why I'm surprised, he always says stupid stuff without thinking it through.

My dad gives him a glare then tries to discreetly see what is on my phone screen.

"Daddy I didn't and will never send any type of nudes or receive them, I'm not that dumb."He stares at me with an arched eyebrow, I give him an eyeroll before looking back down again.

"His parents will be there and so will our new business partners."Daddy adds and looks at mom with a stern look on his face but slight fear in his eyes.

Uncle Austin nudges my shoulder and whispers.

"He's still scared shitless and it's been 16 years since they got married, that's the kind of love you need to look for and I feel like it's just around the corner."He winks and looks at my dad.

What does he mean by just around the corner? Cause around the corner is the name of that strip club down the street.

"I don't see why you're looking at me, I'm not going to do anything unless someone wants to test me tonight."She says innocently than turns to me.

"Sunshine, if you get too emotional tonight just get a room in the hotel and rest a little, but make sure you text me first."I nod.

"I probably will stay with Chelsea there until Chris leaves the house and gets the rest of his stuff."

"Wait so he cheated on you in your own room?"I shake my head.

"No he cheated in my old childhood room, which is even worse because it's in fact their room."I point at mom and dad and he laughs, it is exactly something he would do.

"Feel bad for them but not you and you know why? Because I knew he was a waste, I mean come on you were older then him."

"If everyone knew then why didn't anyone confront me about it? You people waited for me to get hurt."They all look at each other and avoid my stare.

"You would have saved me from so much mental wellness if you told me right away, I wasted two years for nothing with him and everyone was expecting us to have kids next and I even lend hum tons of money for videogames , this is humiliating and I can't do it anymore."I burst into loud sobs and my mom slides next to me in a hurry.

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