𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔽𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘

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"Ready....and go"We both start downing our shots as fast as we could,our eyes fixated on each other.

If anyone saw us, two grown ups, literal legal adults competing in a cranberry drinking competition...they would think we were insane.

I quickly count the shots he has left, he's one ahead of me, I need to step up my game.

He notices my nerves starting to get ticked and by the time I down the last one, he puts his full glass down and smirks at me.

"Why didn't you finish it?"

"Ladies always go first and you looked like you needed the win."He says and stands up, pulling his wallet out.

"It was nice meeting you..."He pauses, waiting for me to tell him my name.

What's my name again?

"Ariel."I say, making him smile.

"Ariel."He repeats it quietly before pulling two hundred dollars and throwing it at Isaac.

"Keep the change."He says and winks at me before walking away.

"That's a walking gentleman, why didn't you stall him? He wasn't even creeped up by the whole cranberry think, do you have any idea how rare that is? You said the first person that comes to the bar will-".

"Yes Chelsea I know what I said, and I agree with you, his reaction was unusually layed back."I cut her off and finish his shot before getting up.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to go see where my parents are and then I'll be back."I grab my coat and hang it over my shoulders.

"No worry, I'll stay here and troll Isaac."She sticks her tongue out and moves her gaze onto Isaac.

"Well don't let me stop you from it, enjoy yourself."I give her a wave and wobble back to the main room trying to find mom and dad.

Why does everyone look exactly the same? I need to follow the waiter cause mom always makes one stand next to her with a full tray of snacks...she hates these types of gatherings just because the food is dry.

"Looking for someone?"I follow the male voice and see the handsome man from the bar sitting at the table alone.

"No, I was just walking around admiring everything."He pulls out the chair next to him and I hesitate.

''I don't bite, don't worry. you also might want to sit down, you must be cranberry wasted.''He jokes and I smile, deciding to take a seat.

"You look very beautiful, but also sad."He blurs out, catching me off guard.

"Yes well, stuff happens and it happens for a reason so I'm guessing there's a reason behind this happening cause it already happened, mind if I finish that? Thanks."I laugh awkwardly and finish his drink, that was, to my surprise, cranberry juice.

He stares at me for a few seconds before speaking.

"You won the drinking challenge, congratulations."

"You let me win and I'm very disappointed in that."He rests his elbows on the table, eyeing me cautiously.

"Why are you disappointed? I gave you the win, if anything you should be grateful I did."

Blinding Seduction 18+| Completed |Where stories live. Discover now