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This is going to be how Jim lost his site in this Prologue, I hope you enjoy

Jim is six years old in this and they're out on the streets of Arcadia in the daytime

Jim point of view

Most six-year-olds like their birthdays, some of them are overjoyed and happy about getting a birthday cake presents from those they love having a big birthday party to. But that's not me anymore i used to be just like those are the kids but ever since my dad left a year ago I dreaded this day because today is the day my dad went out somewhere and never came back.

Mum tries to cheer me up because she can see that I don't wanna be here: come on sweetheart cheer up I know it's hard with your dad gone but that doesn't mean you can't celebrate your birthday

Wrong that's exactly what it means and how can I celebrate my birthday when my deadbeat dad left me and my mum on this specific day one year ago. Oh well at least I'll be able to hang out with that new kid in town Toby he seems pretty cool is Nana and my mum set up a kind of birthday party play date

Which I'm fine with we're actually gonna meet them in a diner, not too far from where we are. My mum is holding my hand while we walk through the streets so I'm pretty much able to let my mind wander she will basically drag me anywhere so I'll keep an eye on my surroundings see if there's anything interesting going on

That's when I notice there's an old man slowly crossing the road and there is a big truck speeding down the road with someone chasing behind it the old man looks like he's hearing impaired because he can't hear the other man screaming for everyone to get out of the way. The old man's not gonna make it before the truck hits him, All logic left my head and I let go of my mother's hand and I sprinted towards the old man pushing him out of the way

The old man is safe but I'm not so lucky the truck turns over and a bunch of chemicals land on me it burns my skin I want to people without a scream and are crowding me my mum is trying to make sure I'm okay I think she is she's starting to blow away

What's happening why is everything getting dark why can I only see the shadow of my mother what's going on

Mum worried: Jim sweetheart are you okay!?

I start to tear up: mamma I can't see where is everybody what's going on...

I hear my mum let out of gasp as my world goes dark

I wake up and I feel bandages wrapped around my head, I feel my surroundings I'm on a bed and I'm in a hospital gown so I must be in the hospital because of the accident.

That's when I noticed a ticking sound is that a watch if someone else in here

I speak out: hello?

Nobody answers and walk over to where the ticking sound is coming from very carefully since I can't see. I feel a wall so I must be at one of the edges of the room I can still hear the ticking sound and it's coming through the wall, curious place my ear against the wall that was a mistake a whole eruption of noise happens around me I can hear dogs barking construction workers from downtown I can hear people talking all over the hospital and it's killing my brain

it's like having a panic attack and a migraine at the same time it hurts I stumble back and crawl into a corner trying to make this sound go away out of my ears but it doesn't do any good I can hear everything

I think I can hear Toby's voice: Buddy are you okay

I decide to try and focus all my attention on Toby's voice and i'm able to block out everything else to be then helps me back onto my bed we talk for a minute about how this accident happened and how no matter what we're always going to be friends

Toby trying to sound optimistic: don't worry buddy I'm sure you'll get those branches off before you know it and you'll be seeing things again

I disagree: no I won't the doctors say I'll never be able to see you again

Toby I assumed looked at me puzzled: how do you know that they haven't even come in here yet

I tell told him the truth: I can hear it I can hear everything that's going on in the building I can hear a doctor arguing with a patient because the doctor gave the patient the wrong medicine I can hear a baby being born I can hear everything that's going on in the hospital

And that's how my journey began

Okay that is it for the prologue I hope you enjoyed please do not forget to vote and leave a comment this story is really important to me because it's a disabled story so Please please please vote I'm begging you

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