The Battle of two bridge part 1

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Hello everyone so here we are nearing the end of part one of season one as promised once the battle of the bridge I will introduce aja and the love triangle will be formed but also I will be introducing another character that I have borrowed from another Netflix movie. Now even if you don't remember when I did the Demon rise spin off at the end There was a scene with a figure in a dark room watching the telly of the news report that guy is going to be coming to Arcadia and let's just say Jim  in for one hell of a fight. One more thing before I start the chapter do any of you guys have any suggestions on what episode I should start 3 below from cause I can't decide between episode two or three let me know in the comments anyway on with the chapter

Narrators point of view

Jim laid in his nurses bed and listening to the rain hitting the window while stroking Rex who laid beside him about three hours ago he was in surgery getting his stitches for his wounds and Toby came up with the excuse that Jim was attacked by the same people who took Claire. In Toby story him and Jim were walking Rex having just a guys night out when Rex started barking at the bushes near Clares house, Rex chased after whatever was making him agitated and gym soon followed Toby lost them in the woods and when he found them again they were surrounded by three men dressed in black getting beaten while the other one put Claire in a car tied up and gagged. It wasn't a complete lie but there was obviously some parts they couldn't tell the authorities.

Guilt was the only thing on Jim's mind he couldn't protect Claire when she needed protecting the most and right now she was being held hostage by a literal maneaters God knows what they're gonna do to her he thought. And the news report didn't help

The news report over a radio: Hello all my Arcadian fellows and the weather report for today is cloudy with a definite chance for rain I recommend all my listeners stay inside in other news if anyone has any insight on The whereabouts of Claire Nuñez please call the authori-

Toby came in and turned off the radio: dude it's okay we'll get her back

Jim set up in his bed rubbing his eyes out of frustration: doesn't matter Tobes I failed and they're gonna use her as bait for me to open the bridge and there's nothing I can do to stop them

Toby sat on the bed and patted his friend on the back: come on man you're not alone in this you've got me, Aaarrrggghhh, Blinky and Draal if we all work together we ca-

Toby was interrupted by a phone ring coming from Jim's phone he recognised it immediately because it was the one he set for Mr Strickler he picks up the phone instantly

Mr Strickler over the phone: hello there Mr Lake I understand that you sent your Trainer to find the bridge unfortunately he's a little "tied up" at the moment so he won't be returning to you any time soon, Oh and for as of your soulmate if you want to see her alive bring The amulet is to an alleyway is about two blocks away from the school you know where it is oh one more thing come alone

Strickler puts his phone on speaker and that's when Jim could hear the screams of terror from Blinky it sounded like he was being tortured by Strickler and the others

Strickler hanged up the phone Jim let out a frustrated growl: dammit, we're in deep shit I think this is it Toby we've lost

Toby shocked that his friend would even consider admitting defeat: what no it is not over we can still do something we know where the bridges we can mount a surprise attack or something you've got to have a couple of ideas you always do

Jim had a sad smile on his face: honestly Tobes I'm out of ideas the only chance blinking Claire have now is if I do what he says I'm sorry

Toby size and goes into his back pocket and gives his friend the amulet back: well you're the troll hunter it's your choice although I hope since we found this and look together we were in this together

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