The new boss

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Hi everyone now I know I said I'll be doing split of my story but it occurred to me that I don't really explained what Tom Kings been doing lately and because I missed out the episode of a hero with 1000 faces there's some gaps I need to cover so bear with me

Dictatious point of view

Finally my dark under Lord Has achieved his first go to reclaim the surface lands he has regrouped with Janice order despite their impure blood line they can be useful at least for now

The impure known as Otto I hear him speak: we made this for you my landlord a complete replica of your old throne

I hear my Lord's footsteps walk closer to the throne: throne I have no need for a throne I must have flesh displaced reeks of nothing but Impuros!

Ha ha ha ha ha they thought That they could use their way into the dark Lords favour by giving him a thrown it took me decades earned his respect and become his royal advisor

The impure Otto: well then perhaps this might satisfy your hunger my lord

I'm confused by this at first but when I hear my dark under Lord gasp It surely must be a surprise, my Lord speaks and I can hear the Hunger in his voice: heart stone!!! Give it to me I must repair nourish my power

I am shocked that these Impuros could get such a prize: where did you get that?!!

Otto speaks to me  like an insult: it does not matter

I can hear my lord regaining some of his strength which is good but it's also bad for my favour since this in pure gave it to him and now has most definitely earned some respect from our master

Gunmar: it's not enough I need more!!

this is my opportunity to speak: yes we must plan for your attack on troll market immediately

Otto interrupts me: perhaps we should not try such a harsh approach why invade troll market when it could be given to you we should be careful from our spy networks say that the troll hunter has been gaining more and more allies some are even werewolves

My Lord sounds like his ponder about this idea I must admit the impure has a point the Trollhunter judging by his band of rescue members he has a lot of friends, my Lord speaks: very well we will wait patiently however I would like you to research some members of the Trollhunter rescue party I believe their names were Claire and aja

Is it confuses me as much as it confuses me and pure as we both ask : of course my lord but why?

My lord: because this aja what is a creature I have never seen before in and I sensed no magic from her but yet she had such extraordinary weapons and as for this girl Claire a magic power reminds me of another power I met centuries ago back in the old world but I can't quite remember who had this level of power

I understand my lord it wishes to be careful and get more information before striking: I understand my lord the impurities should keep tabs on the the two

Otto sounded nervous: actually your dark eminence we have a slight problem

I smirk as I hear my Lord slammed his fist against his throne: and what problem is that!?

Otto: Well you see the troll hunter came down here and he spread the spell of true nature around the world so now every 24 hours spell gets reunited again and the people humans can see our two forms we've already lost a lot of our high powered members in the human society because of this

Gunmar slams his fist against his throne again and this time I can hear the slight crack in the false thrown as he storms towards the impure: give me one reason not to scare you with my blade!!!

Otto sounded remarkably calm for someone in his position: Well my lord we have information of the Trollhunter and you will still need us to get information about those members of his rescue party do you not we can still do a lot in the shadows and besides my lord I still haven't told you about my plan to take troll market with ease

To my surprise my dark on the Lord puts the impure down not gently of course but still this is concerning this Otto he's trying to win favour with the dark on the Lord and I cannot let that happen

My dark under Lord: fine you have my mercy now tell me how will troll market fall

Okay so that pretty much describes what gunmar been up to since we last checked up on him I hope that makes a lot of sense. Sorry for it being kind of short but like I said this was a spur of the moment sort of thing

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