Jim harem

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Hi everyone now I wanted to keep this a secret until further notice but honestly I can't take it anymore because multiple people in private messaging who remain nameless, have constantly asked me is this a harem story and I am now tired of coming up with excuses to dodge the question so here it is I hope you're happy

Hi everyone now I wanted to keep this a secret until further notice but honestly I can't take it anymore because multiple people in private messaging who remain nameless, have constantly asked me is this a harem story and I am now tired of coming ...

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Female predator whose name will be so difficult to pronounce for the characters that they will just call her Z mostly because to me that sounds really cool

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Female predator whose name will be so difficult to pronounce for the characters that they will just call her Z mostly because to me that sounds really cool

Yes it is a vampire from the other Netflix series castlevania I chose her pacifically because honestly she seems the nicest out of the four despite her actions in the third season

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Yes it is a vampire from the other Netflix series castlevania I chose her pacifically because honestly she seems the nicest out of the four despite her actions in the third season

And that's it for now I am gonna be adding in more characters possibly, so now to whoever has been private messaging me asking me is this harem story you have your answer. Also another note I'm thinking of having Claire spray paint some of her predator armour purple. Also some people have been asking me why have I given Claire predator armour mostly for character development but you have to also remember that Jim doesn't have a Vespa in my story so what exactly is Merlin going to melt down and make it into armour?

Okay see you next time

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