Girl trouble part 1

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Everyone in this chapter is gonna be a bit shorter than usual, but it's only because I've got a bit of a cold and I haven't had the best day. Anyway I hope you enjoy

Rex point of view

Human relationships are so weird, Jim has been in a fuss ever since aja slapped him one he tries to call her but she doesn't even pick up the phone and when I went over for my play date with Looong aja wouldn't let me or Jim in through any door and now Jim is just screaming into a pillow in frustration

I ask him: Jim okay?

He turns to me: Rex my girlfriend doesn't wanna speak to me and another girl that I am really close with he's upset because of me so no I'm not okay

I regret asking now, I just don't understand human relationships are so complicated why can't they be as simple as us dogs we tell another dog that we like them and we reproduce that's it. Why can't humans be the same it is so bizarre

Jim goes back to screaming into his pillow this is getting ridiculous even by my standards: Jim need to stop worrying

Jim still had his face on his pillow: i'm not worried Rex I'm just annoyed and frustrated and 1 million other things!

I remind him of the current fact that gunmar could be out: what about checking to see if gunmar free

Jim waves it off: Blinky, Aaarrrggghhh and Draal are looking into it there's no point in causing panic troll market especially now, or did you forget that we have multiple nearly extinct races living under Arcadia

That is true ever since the rumour that Arcadia is now a safe zone spread throughout the magical underworld troll market population has grown bigger and bigger they've even had to make new caves for new residence. It wasn't really much of a problem apparently according to the goat head troll they had plenty of room not to mention the knowledge that was passed through the new species was very enlightening according to him

I ask again: has Jim tried talking to Claire?

Jim remains silent, so I'm gonna take that as he hasn't. Honestly is this boy just trying to avoid his responsibilities I wonder

I tell him: shouldn't Jim be doing homework at the very least

Jim responds: i've done all of it just like I've done my daily patrols and I've sorted out my fair share of skirmishes in troll market essentially I've been a workaholic ever since aja put me in the doghouse

Dog house is Jim now living in a kennel in his relationship? Once again human customs confuse me

Just then Barbara walks into Jim's room I instantly go quiet not to raise any suspicion from my friends mother

Barbara and her motherly instincts can tell that something is up with her son: Jim are you okay

Jim seems to cheer up a bit at the sound of his mothers voice, he answers her as he sits up: honestly not really my girlfriend doesn't wanna speak to me

Barbara shocked: wait when did you get a girlfriend and follow up who is she?!

Jim now remembered that he never told his mother about him and the Queen in weightings relationship: oh right well you remember aja right well we started dating a couple of weeks ago and honestly it was really nice I've never been happier but then

Barbara raise an eyebrow: but then what what did you do to Jim?

Jim trying to defend himself: I didn't do anything per se it's what I let Claire do she told me that she loved me and she kissed me and then she told aja while we were kissing because I think she was jealous I wanted to tell aja about Claire kissing me but I didn't know how to bring it up and now Claire doesn't wanna speak to me because apparently I'm an asshole-

Barbara: Jim language

Jim apologised: sorry Mum, anyway Claire doesn't want to speak to me and aja is angry with me and she's going back to her hometown in three days and I don't know what to do to make it up to her in that time I've tried to apologise I've tried to explain to her but she won't listen. Why do girls have to be so complicated did you have any tips?

Barbara smirked: honey I wish I could tell you how girls work but honestly that's something you need to find out for yourself. Even if I gave you advice there is no guarantee that it would be great you have a very unique situation you have I have a feeling that you still carry feelings for Claire because as I remember you called her your soulmate

Jim nodded a little ashamed appeared on his expression: yeah I do I just don't know if I should keep feeling this way especially with the way I feel about aja it just doesn't seem fair to either of them and I don't wanna hurt either of them either I'm just so confused

Barbara pulled her son in for a hug: Well that's life sweetheart things on a straight road there's going to be twists and turns, but the way you can make things easier for yourself is find out how you feel first and then try talking to the girls I know you don't want to hurt either of them and there is a way you can make both of them happy but first I think you should find out what will make you happy

That's actually really great advice, my way of thinking she is correct. You can't make someone happy if you're not happy Jim seems to cheer up but they still look of confusion

Barbara left her son to think, I could tell by James expression that he was deep in thought and I didn't want to interrupt him but I heard a howl from PAC number which signalised trouble

I put my paw on Jim's lap to snap him out: Jim one of the Peck has called in apparently there's trouble

Jim raises an eyebrow: what kind of trouble?

The howling continues unable to understand bits and pieces of it apparently howling to the werewolf is like Morse code: The Peck member is saying to turn on the telly or Jim  phone and look at the recent news report he say it explain better

Jim brought out his phone and turned on the news report and had his read in app read out the headlines of the news website

The app: Breaking news a woman claiming to be the criminal known as punchline has returned and is demanding that the Demons of Arcadia comes out and hiding to face her

Well that's rather blunt, is it just me or does this not feel right. I mean I know I wasn't there to fight punchline but the way I heard about it from the others is punchline wasn't someone like that publicly announced where she was without a back up plan more to the point is she there in person this time

Jim doesn't seem to care: finally something to take my frustrations out on

He summons his armour and leaps out the window I transform and decide the following because my instincts are telling me that something will go wrong and my instincts are really wrong

Okay like I said this chapter was going to be a bit shorter than previously again it's mostly because I have a cold and a dry throat so I haven't been able to focus that much anyway I hope you've enjoyed don't forget to leave a vote comment and see you next time

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