bad omen part 1

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Aja Point of view

I wake up in Jim's arms following his embrace as I find my head in his chest as much as I want to stay like this forever I have to leave I look over to the clock and it's already midday and we're leaving at 2 o'clock

To make matters worse stay supposed to be a school day, oh well Jim probably can take a skip day and I'm not going to be here so it's all they can give me detention

I shake Jim  awake and he obliges: what time is it?

I telling the truth: it's 2 o'clock looks like you've missed out on school day

Jim just smiles at me: that doesn't really matter I've got my whole life to go to school I only have one night left with you and I think we spent it really well

I giggle as I kiss him on the cheek: well technically it was night some part of the morning as well

Jim: yeah but still it was mag- oh no!

I'm confused by his sudden change of attitude: what is it?

Jim set up in a Panic and then frantically tried his pyjamas on: it's 2 o'clock you said!

I nod but I'm still puzzled by what it means: Yeah but what's the problem we've got plenty of time before I have to catch the mothership

Jim finished putting his glasses on and grabbed his cane and headed out the door as he tells me: it's 2 o'clock in the afternoon, my mum should've been back at 8 am today

That's when I realise what my boyfriend means, it means that his mother came home to find her her sons clothes and what appears to be girl like clothes on her sofa and quite possibly some noises coming from Jim's room but he is the real kicker now The girl that those clothes belong to is growing and has four arms

Knowing that I can't leave this room especially in my current form I quickly put on some of the gyms close at the very least to cover myself for my own benefit and I sneakily watch Jim from the bottom of the stairs Rex is back and he's sitting on the sofa but the problem with that images our clothes are nowhere to be found

Barbara speaks from the kitchen I turn my position to get a better look at her but make sure that she can't see me: Jim do you want to explain why I found your clothes along with what appears to be some sort of cosplay armour?

Jim began to sweat a bit: yeah sorry Mum I was getting into apart ha ha ha ha

Barbara did not buy that for one moment: oh really and those noises I heard from your room when I got back early from my shift that was you rehearsing your lines because it sounded pretty "intimate"

Jim gulped: well what can I say I like to get into the my part ha ha ha ha... you're not buying thisonesecond are you

Barbara responded: no, I know what you were doing last night and I have a pretty estimated guess of who it was with look you're becoming an adult so I'm not going to scold you for this because it's a part of growing up but seriously right on the sofa you know we have to sit on that

Jim blush: okay I'm sorry but you know what the fence we didn't really do much on the sofa

Barbara cut her son off: I don't want to know so please don't tell me, all I want to know is that you did you use protection?

Jim: yes absolutely Mum and I'm sorry for missing out on school it's just she's leaving today and last night we just wanted to make it special I didn't think it would escalate to what happened but just in case I did have protection

Barbara: alright you can go say goodbye to Aja and I'll let the two of you get dressed properly, then I want to meet aja face-to-face before she goes

Oh no I can't let Barbara see me like this to freak out to say the very least, I mean she's been taking the situation very well so far but I think it's gonna take a downturn when she sees what I really look like

Gym glances over to where I am even though he can't technically see me I get the sense he's worried just as much as me: actually Mum aja this morning she had to go back to get ready to leave she's already gone back to her house she must've forgotten to take her outfit back

Good save Jim , There is no way that your mum could see me like this and if you tell her I'm already gone she'll be okay with this I hope

Barbara seems to believe this: okay, that's fine I understand but even so we are talking about you missing school today

Jim give me a sneaky thumbs up when his mum was looking: absolutely Mum and again I'm sorry but can I get dressed now I promise aja I see her off

My boyfriends mum keeps him in the green light and he rushes back upstairs with my armaments in his hand with this the two of us get dressed Jim goes out the front door along with Rex while I exit throughout the window and keep to the forest. I still can't believe what happened last night I mean yes I plan for something special to happen but that night will be one to remember for the rest of my life my only regret is I have to leave the day after

Eventually I meet up with him back in the forest and we have one last kiss and towards the mothership

I decide to make a small conversation because it might be the last time we speak for awhile: Jim I still think you should go on a date with Claire

James obviously shocked by what I said but I do mean it: what why I mean don't get me wrong I still like her but what we did last night doesn't that mean we're in a more serious relationship

I'm happy that he says this but there's something else: well yes but Claire was right when she said I broke my silent agreement between the two of us and I think she deserves a chance with you. So I think you should go out with her just to see how it feels and if you choose to love her then I will respect that and I hope we still can be friends besides that one night you gave me was more than enough at least for now. And what is the expression you humans use there are plenty of fish in the ocean

Jim corrected me: Close it's actually there's plenty of fish in the sea

The two of us chuckle and we can see the mothership in the distance I started here are not really wanting to go but I know I have to share one last hug with Jim

I whispering in his ear: I love you

Jim response: I love you too

We separate and I begin to walk to the mothership but then to my surprise it starts to take off what is going on I'm not on the shit they wouldn't have forgotten about me.

What is going on!

Okay that's it for this chapter I know it's a bit shorter than what I usually do but I've had a really bad day today and I just couldn't finish because I'm so annoyed but writing helps me feel a bit better anyway don't forget to comment leave a vote oh and tell me what you thought about the previous lemon scene I know it wasn't that great but to be honest with you it's the first time I've written a lemon  in ages

Another thing I do you wanna try writing a lemon scene from Jim's point of view to mostly because I think that would be interesting to write about

Blinded part 1Where stories live. Discover now