Win, lose or draal part 1

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In troll market in vendel's Office

Jim point of view

vendel Was not pleased I could hear the venom of anger in his voice: what in the heart stone where you thinking!!!

The elder troll was scolding us for blowing up the Arcadia Museum according to him that grant a lot of attention something troll market has been trying to avoid. I can't say I blame him a giant explosion in practically the centre of town would make things harder for troll market when they were gathering supplies service wise

Blinky trying to defend us: vendel if you just let to Master Jim explain I'm sure he has-

vendel interrupted Blinky before he could finish: You are just as or if not more to blame for this where were you when this boy was destroying property and nearly exposing our existence!!

Aaarrrggghhh sounded depressed: got lost looking for goblin nest...

Toby changing though I wish he didn't: don't worry we found it and then we destroyed it

vendel anger got even louder: Oh really and you didn't think that there might of been a quieter way you could've exterminated the goblins other than blowing up an entire building!!!!????

Granted there probably was easier way to do the extermination of the past but with that weird hybrid troll and whatever they were making in the museum I think it was the right call to set their plans back or stop them.

vendel continued the lecture: The troll Hunter is supposed to deal with things quietly. In human terms is supposed to be like a surgeon gently removing a problem no fuss no harsh but you just did surgery with a chainsaw that's what you did!!

I Blinky wondering over to the Elder: my friend I understand that this is not a viable situation but Master Jim did eradicate the nest and quite frankly I believe that what he did was the last option resort I saw how many goblins there were there were thousands, I swear by the heart stone that I haven't seen that many goblins since the Great Depression

vendel heart rate began to calm down just a bit so that means that he was getting a little, but he was still definitely furious. Least we're making progress

vendel banged his stick on the ground Grabbing my attention which is probably his goal  form the start: were there really that many?

Toby answered for the both of us: yes there were thousands of them they were all good up on the wall of the museum it was totally gross and then-

I cut Toby off this is my time to explain: there was the museum curator m.s Nomura she transformed into a hybrid troll some kind

I heard gasps from the trolls in the room as they began to whisper in the corner I picked up on every word they were saying generally just to summarise it all they were saying "that's impossible they're extinct There is no way it could be them"

Finally me and Toby were included in the conversation by Blinky: Master Jim are you absolutely sure that the human transformed into a troll

I glanced over at Toby give me a tug at my sleeve meaning he agrees, I nodded my head which only made the tension in the room more thick whatever was going on it clearly wasn't good

Toby went up to Aaarrrggghhh to get some answers: hey big guy what are they talking about, what's so scary about a human that can turn into a troll

I could hear in Aaarrrggghhh Voice was a lot of fear: changeling

I question: what is a changeling?

Blinky gulped as he explained: back in the old world gum gums stole our young and did something to them made them unnatural

Blinded part 1Where stories live. Discover now