Just add Water 👶 part 1

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Hi guys, okay can I change your phone is chapter I'm going to have to skip over the creeps layers episode I don't want to but there's something else I want to do instead of that which I think will be really fun I won't say what it is because I don't wanna spoil anything but you guys are gonna like it

Aja point of view

I walk into Blinkys library: Blinky any word from anyone anywhere?

Blinky shook his head: unfortunately aja there's been no word of Master Jim or lady Claire

No that can't be right, it's been almost 2 days since they disappeared well more like abducted according to Draal but even if that was the case I know Jim and Claire they wouldn't be able to hold them for long

I'm getting frustrated: well we have to keep looking they have to be somewhere!

Toby trying to calm me down but it just increases my rage: Wo Wo Wo, aja we don't even know if Jim and Claire are on this earth for all we know the predators have taken them to some private safari or a space zoo

I slam my hand against the table causing everyone to flinch: they have to be on this planet, mother didn't detect any ships leaving the atmosphere!

My brother: Sister not much is known about the predator species, even our kind doesn't know the full extent of their technology nobody does. It isn't out of the realm of possibility that they've developed a cloaking System for the motherships scanners

That's not an excuse, my boyfriend is out there in the universe and he's being hunted. I don't care what anyone says I'm gonna find him and bring him back

Toby: what if we all piled up in the mothership and search the universe you guys must have some idea where the predator planet is

Me and my brother shrug it's true that that would be a great idea the only problem is the predators planet is as mysterious as the species that live on it no one really knows where they come from they just appear and disappear.

krel shakes his head: toby is a good idea that is the mothership isn't ready to fly yet even if she was we don't even know where the predators took them it could be back on the home planet or on the multitude of planets that they've taken over. For their little games

Blinky says something I wish he kept to himself: although we are assuming that master Jim and Lady Claire were taken alive. Also assuming that the predators were the ones to take him in the first place for all we know it could've been the brotherhood the last remaining member getting revenge

That thought scares me but my fears are put to rest when I start to think about it in further detail: but that doesn't make any sense yes take Jim or kill him that works he's wronged the brotherhood but why take Claire he know what me and my brother look like in disguise he wouldn't mistake Claire for me

The others agree, no matter how I spin it now this makes any sense if it was predators why just take Jim and Claire and leave Draal Who is essentially a stone warrior here. Better question why would they take them but it is usually like to use their praise home planet as a hunting ground and finally who was the female predator that draal said gave them all the mark.

None of it makes any sense. Not one thing about this puzzle heads up, if the female predator was a part of this then why did she go down first also why did she mark them maybe it could be their way of marking their kill. No that's not right that the credit is only take something of their kill when they've actually killed them

Blinded part 1Where stories live. Discover now