Didn't you get the punchline 👊 part 1

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Okay well I'm pretty sure you can guess which is the bag I have selected judging by the title I flipped a coin and she was the one that got to be the lucky winner besides I think bull's-eye should be spared for another day. Also I wanted to do all of this in one chapter but that was a bit much for me today like I said I've been busy so I should be able to post the next part tomorrow like usual, Also the wing man episode I'm going to try to make all that in one try being the keyword

Stricklers point of view

Ow The dentist was murder and I wonder if Barbara felt any of that I'm sure overnightit would be rather inconvenient for her to be questioning why her teeth hurt.

Regardless I've got another meeting of the Janice order to go to the launch is almost ready for our satellite and when that happens the human world will become ours

I'll get him to my car and just my-wait what? Why do I have a Drawered moustache and goatee on my face did the dentist decide to draw on my face while I was woozy from the anaesthetic I need to get this off I look ridiculous

I tried rubbing it off using my hand but that's when I noticed the ring is gone! What how is it was on my finger the whole way through there's no way I could've dropped it oh no no no no no

Frantically checking my pockets for any sign of the ring but there's nothing I turn behind me to see if I may have dropped it in the back of the car but there is nothing well except for a very angry angor watching me from the shadows

I dope mad dog comes charging at me yelling and instantly reversed back hitting him I look in my rear side view mirror see if I have gotten rid of the pale ladies champion

I don't see him but he still mixing appearance in front of my car he lunges into the front and I press the gas down at full speed as he grabbed hold of me through my window trying to pull me out of the car

Angor with a face of demented joy: i'm going to kill you then I'm gonna kill the troll hunter and everyone else in this godforsaken town!!!!

I look at him and his expression is nothing more than pure madness: are you mad!!

Angor laughs with demented joy: no I am free!

He brings out his dagger as he tries to stab me while I'm driving I've got no choice Clift is coming up I duck and roll out of my car and let it go over the edge. I know that's not enough to kill him but it should be enough to slow him down I need to get back to my brothers and sisters they'll protect me I've done nothing but try to give them glory and independence

Narrators point of view

Unknown location

Once again the figures were clouded in shadows as they sat near the table discussing their loss of their most recent member the plague doctor

One that was behaving like a child: what are we doing mr glass. That Demon guy is got the plague doctor arrested it's so unfair how did he defeat him

The  one with the Irish accent: oh yeah and let's not forget that now with the Doctor in custody there's a good chance he'll reveal some information about us

The female that was behaving like a child: yeah yeah yeah we can't let anything about our plans be revealed or a location that will be so not fun!

Another female figure remain silent and just nodded

Mr Glass reassured his compatriots: Relax my friends are playing doctor will not release any information no matter what deal they give him because as you know our friend suffers from a split personality syndrome one personality has no idea what we're planning and the other one is so stubborn and so determined to reach his goals which are our goals he won't say a word

Blinded part 1Where stories live. Discover now