Let the truth be told part 2

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Jim point of view

well they could do better, the second we were on board the Brotherhood ship we were immediately overpowered by one of the two that remained reasonable and good fightback is Mary was with us and she was having a proper panic attack which is understandable considering that we've been abducted by extraterrestrials and from her perspective she has no idea why.

me, aja and krel are taken to a separate cell than Mary who unfortunately I've overheard by the females Brotherhood member that she is going to be dissected for analysing. Mother dozens me the question of why am I going with the Royals I mean I did help defeat the Brotherhood back when they first met with my out-of-town friends but I don't remember being at a big impact in the fight they really holding a grudge for that

I overhear Alpha on the females communication link: you have the boy

the female response: yes alpha we have the boy but even with his bounty there is nothing we can do to get our old brother back.

There's a bounty on me? Wow I don't know whether to be flattered or worried, regardless I hear the rest of that plan is to use us as hostages to get vex the King and queen but obviously you're going to kill all of us at the end of this. Although maybe my bounty means that Marando or whoever placed on me want to be alive maybe a bit enough thinking about that we need to get out of these cuffs

I speak to the others: okay any ideas how we can get out of these things

Krel who sounded annoyed: nothing is coming to mine, you know this wouldn't have happened if you guys just trusted me

Aja sounded offended: what!!! Do you think we told the brotherhood to come kidnap us the second you were gonna tell Mary about you being not from this world that's ridiculous

I agree with her: yeah if anything it's just gonna make things a bit easier I mean now we're all together we can figure a way out of this

Krel: that's not the point, we got here I felt so alone I mean yes we had Jim and his friends but... I still felt alienate but when I met Mary felt an actual connection with her I want to tell her the truth because I don't want to lie to her

It's a good sentiment but there is something that needs to be addressed: I get it if you want to be honest with a girl you love me but you have to remember Mary doesn't know the real you like the real real you you can't be sure she'll take it positively

Krel comes up with a surprising counter argument: and you can't be sure she'll take it negatively

Okay that's true we can't necessarily see how Mary would react the garage she likes is an extra terrestrial prints from another planet that's that apparently glows blue and has four arms

Enough about that now we need to find our way out of here, I hit my foot against the back of the wall can you clear vibrational pattern of the entire ship alpha and his last member of his psycho family are in a cockpit which is good and gives us some time to get away

The problem is the handcuffs them magnetised and we need something to disrupt the magnetic frequency...I think?

I've got an idea: aja reach into my pocket

She obliges but she does not go for the pocket: aja! Wrong pocket and don't think I don't know what you're trying to do now is not the time (take a guess what she did😂)

I can feel her smirky smile where did she plan to do something like that I don't know and I don't think I want to know the answer to

She pulls out the amulet and places it in my hands I say the chant and I felt the armour being wrapped around me again and with that the whole of magnets for the handcuffs were broken, I figured out that if I can put my armour on I might be able to undo the magnetic pull of the handcuffs thanks to the armour and luckily I was right

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