Welcome to the market

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Hi everyone just to let you guys know that there will be some lemon scenes in this story, but it might take a while for them to be placed in because I'm literally building a relationship from scratch with no magic potion or spell or something anyway on with the chapter.

Toby Point of view

That was awesome sauce but also absolutely insane, we were just chased by something until a few hours ago I thought was a mythical creature then we got saved by two more of them and it turns out that Jim my best friend forgot to mention the fact that he is now protector of two worlds

Jim stretching into his new armour: this armour is a little tight is there any way to loosen it

The troll named aaarrrggghhh seemed confused I think mostly by Jim is total lack of concern in the situation he was in a few seconds ago: why so calm nearly die.

I answer him: well you see Jim has a complete lack of fear because he can't see what there is to be afraid of and if it makes noise he can see it from the vibrations or smell it. Essentially Jim is not afraid because he doesn't know what he's facing

The multi eyed troll named Blinky seemed concerned: that is a concern being afraid is one of the rules of being a troll hunter fear keeps you alive arrogance gets you killed

Jim takes his cane from me: well if it makes you feel any better I'm not arrogant I'm just unable to see the danger in things but it doesn't mean I'm not careful.

Blinky accepted that and told us about the whole history of trolls and how they got here which was a complete and total bore me and Jim were riding on Aaarrrggghhh back ignoring the lecture

Jim: so Toby how do I look?

I Glance over the armour and the style it's taken then I tell Jim how he looks: The armour is very thin it looks like it's only 1 inch that's probably why it's so light to you, Your barefooted there are small pieces of metal on the edge of your fingertips they look like they could be some claws oh I've got a blue blindfold around your eyes. You kind of actually look like that one guy from Mortal Kombat The blind archer

Jim: so I look cool?

Of course that would be his main concern honestly I swear I am friends with the man has no fear, he is seriously not even phased by the fact he could've died man I wish I could be like this.

I answer him: yeah dude you look sick

Blinky Start lecturing: welcome boys to heart stone troll market

My attention is drawn to the doorway I climb off of the Troll along with the gym as we walk through the entrance and I'm taking back by the sheer awesomeness of what I see

My attention is drawn to the doorway I climb off of the Troll along with the gym as we walk through the entrance and I'm taking back by the sheer awesomeness of what I see

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This site left me speechless, it was beyond beautiful all the crystals glowing like little stars the architecture of the rocks that were made into homes

Blinded part 1Where stories live. Discover now