Nightmares in the daytime

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Everyone so I wanna get this episode done today because I just need a break from Trollhunter episodes I want to do a 3below episode which is next but there are going to be connections with it the party Monster episode from Trollhunters

Strickler point of View

Night time in the town Square

After the meeting of the Janice order discussing the Final preparations for the launch of the satellite went better than I expected it seems like the whole of the Janice order is behind me on this idea can't say I'm surprised With this much power we could essentially rule the Earth from the shadows. The other magical creatures will know that my changing brothers and sisters are no longer mongrels or Impuros

A Voice that I recognised too well send a shiver down my spine from behind: Impure

That voice no it can't be! I turn around and it Just who I feared bular The butcher, how?! I know that Trollhunter destroyed him!

I'm shocked: bular! But how the Trollhunter destroyed you!

Bular laughs: did you truly believe that  a child could defeat me! And now you think it by using the ring of angor rot! Now and the ring over and I will give you a speedy death!

I crawl back on the ground begging for my life but something bizarre happens a teenager looks at me as if I'm crazy not noticing  the gum gum Prince, instead she walks right through him literally.

I stand up infuriated realising I've been tricked: Pixies! Angor!!!

I hit my head to get pixie out of my brain and my wild dog appears from behind the statue, laughing at my cowardliness: that was entertaining

I Scowl at the mad dog: try to scare the ring off my finger you are my dog and this ring is your lunch now go kill the troll hunter! Or I will destroy your ring along with your soul

Angor finally realising he has no choice: fine make sure you're not at your school tomorrow it's going to be a living nightmare

Very well, sweet dreams Jim lake jr

Narrators point of view
At the school

Class was about to start but there was a more pressing matter that both Mary and Darcy agreed they needed to discuss

Mary slammed on Clares locker closed: so did you ask Jim out to the dance yet!

Claire surprised at her Friends ambush: kind of but then the new girl interrupted before I could get an answer

Darcy raised an eyebrow: wait you mean aja i've met her she seems pretty nice. Also doesn't she have a brother what was his name...

Claire: Krel That's his name and I think that aja has a thing for Jim to

Mary shocked: what how is that possible she just got here a  2 1/2 months ago how could she become so close to someone in that period of time

Darcy feeling her friend was being a bit hypocritical: Mary haven't you fall for guys and gone out with them within 5 to 10 minutes of knowing them

Mary: That was the old me now I'm looking for true love my hero the Demon of Arcadia and nothing is gonna stop me from discovering his true identity

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