The new resident part 2

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Blink point of view

In his library

I was enjoying a rather nice book when Master Jim walking with a Griffin, it was both a shock and an amazing opportunity to study such a creature even though they were believed to be extinct.

He told me how he came into contact with it and I could understand the viruses want to eliminate the creature however master Jim had a point to these creatures were nearly extinct not to mention they are supposed to give good fortune. The fact that it attacked him for no reason is quite peculiar

Master jim: any ideas what we should do with this girl

I honestly cannot say as much as I would like to study creature I'm not sure that keeping a Griffin that has been attacking creatures such a good idea: I can't say, perhaps it would be best to ask the tribunal for help

Master Jim nodded: okay actually how is our new visitors doing?

I explain what I've observed: so far all the magical creatures that have come to Arcadia looking for sanctuary have been relatively peaceful there have been some skirmishes but thanks to the security detail that you've put in place things have been relatively quiet

Master Jim: why do I feel like there's a however coming up

Unfortunately master Jim is correct: however there have been concerns with the recent findings of supposedly extinct species, so far all of them have been relatively peaceful but there have been questions about if one species like the mummies could survive who's to say that something less friendly has as well

Master Jim seem to understand the gist: I do see your point blank I've actually been worried that with the recent sightings of werewolves we might be dealing with some vampires that survive the war sooner or later

I agree with master Jim just because these creatures have remained dormant for nearly a millennia does not mean that they won't appear again especially finding out their arch enemies have returned as well

I speak to master Jim bluntly as I can: well at the moment I am researching any other extinct species that I may not know of that could still be alive if I've learned one thing from the recent events anything is possible now

Master Jim nodded: yeah I see your point the good news is so far is the Demon side of things girl they won't come anywhere close with a heart stone still active but at the moment anyone suspects a vampire or I don't know Jekyll & Hyde to appear I want to hear about it even if it's just a rumour

Understandable the last thing we need is some outside force to interfere specially in this time troll market has never been more profitable with every new guest the market gets bigger and we've even had some trolls that have come by just to see these creatures that were believed to be extinct

Just before master Jim was about to leave Tobias and Prince Krel King charging him with Frankenstein between the two of them and he had a peculiar thing on his face

Krel sounded panicked: you Gotta help us we don't know what that thing is but it's attached to Frankenstein's face and it won't let him go

I tried to calm down the two boys: alright tell me what happened

Tobias remember the events: we were looking into this hole out of balance thing one of the werewolves told us about and then we came across an egg and when Frankenstein approached it that thing hugging his face jumped out and it hasn't let go since he's even unconscious which should be impossible

In all my years I've never seen a creature like this it does not appear to have a face any sorts of features it does not even appear to have reproductive organs so why is it so dead set on being on our friends face

Are bringing out a small blade I try to cut the creature off of Frankenstein but its bone and muscles are very strong my blade can barely make a cut and by the time I think getting off all of its limbs I feel that my friend will already be dead

Master Jim comes up with a naive idea which is surprising: maybe I can use daylight to get this thing off

Tobias speaks for all of us when he tells him it's not a good idea: no way dude I don't wanna explain to Frankenstein why his face is suddenly missing maybe we just need to wait for this thing to let go on its own

Krel: but we have no idea what is the news or what it's doing it could take days maybe even months before it lets-

The king in waiting was stopped talking and pointed to the table I turned around to see Frankenstein was getting up and the creature was off his face and it was not moving it appeared to be dead, curious why would a creature latch onto another living being face and then die?

I go over to the patient: are you alright Frankenstein?

Frankenstein rub the back of his head: yeah I'm fine I feel relatively refreshed actually is this what you feel like when you're falling asleep

Strange, it appears whatever this creature is okay did not appear to her girlfriend instead it made him feel better

This is not as predicted but still we should be careful, Master Jim had come up with an idea: okay until further notice Frankenstein, Toby and Krel for 24 hours you're on lockdown

Tobias complained: What why Frankenstein is the one that had a weird creature kiss him on the face

Master Jim explained: yes but you guys carried him we don't know what this thing is or what it's carrying it could carry some deadly disease so until we're absolutely certain that everything is okay go to a cave stay in their block off the borders don't let anyone else come close to you

Krel agreed: that seems logical but while I'm in this lockdown I would like to dissect the thing responsible for the face hug perhaps I can learn more about it

Master Jim and i agreed with this The more we know about this mysterious creature the better, my biggest concern is that this is like nothing I've ever seen before it does not even remotely look like any fossils of creatures magical or not

Master Jim: my mum called me she said she's going to work the late shift and she won't be back until tomorrow morning, so I'm going to take Draal and go back into the forest hopefully there are more of those things they may seem harmless at the moment we don't know how to mention if anyone finds at least one of them. We might have the worlds most weirdest Easter egg hunt on our hands

I don't very much like the idea of going back out there but he is right if there was one egg who knows how many there are along with whatever is bringing them into existence

Much later back in the forest

Draal point of view

The troll hunter has asked me to go on a mission with him and I am always glad to help. However I was under the understanding that this machine would require more limb tearing and slicing of heart but instead it is a recall mission is the worst of all

The troll hunter: I can practically feel your displacement Draal I know this isn't exactly the mission you were hoping for but it's still important

I grown in annoyance yes I understand that this is what I signed up for when I decided to protect the troll hunter but I want more action not hunting for some eggs-

We spot the eggs and they're not alone or with the three eggs that we see there is two creatures and I recognise them from stories that my father told me stories that gave me nightmares is the creatures that are not named the ones who brought destruction wherever they went. Oh father I think I will be seeing you sooner than I expected

Okay I'm going to cut this short I'm sorry there's going to be a third part to this that there was a lot I wanted to add into this part of the story anyway don't forget to leave a comment vote and if you haven't already please add this story to your reading list

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