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Hi Everyone hope you're having a good day Now I had a couple of ideas for this chapter but I'm going to go with one in particular mostly because Claire hasn't had that much screen time recently so I thought that Instructor could be just from her whole perspective also it didn't feel right to making her the damsel in distress again in the story so I came up with another idea I hope you enjoy it.

Claire point of view
In a car park outside the Arcadia market (okay I'm not sure if they have a market but just roll with it please)

This was a mistake, The enemies and I agreed to come out with the girls today is because I thought little Miss Queen in waiting wasn't invited but it turns out that this is Mary's goodbye gift to Aja that means everything is about the girl that broke the promise she made to me about not making a move on jim. Honestly we both made an agreement not to make a move on him, I honestly thought we were becoming friends

But it turns out aja had her own agenda the whole time, I feel so stupid for trusting her I should've just told him how I felt sooner but now it's too late they're already together I am they really love each other and I want to jim to be happy I just thought it was going to be I was going to be happy with me

However that's not the worst part the worst part is that the Queen in waiting is going back to our home planet in a couple of days and that means that her and Jim will be trying to make it a long distance incredibly long distance and in most long-distance relationships it doesn't work out that means I could have a chance with him, but here in lies the problem if that was the case I would have to live with the fact that I'm second choice and I don't like being second choice

Aja talking to the girls as we get into my dad's car who is driving us home: thanks girls I had a really good time

Darci sounded happy and that annoyed me: of course girl I was gonna be the last time we could all hang out as a group until you go home you are going to come back and visit the right?

Aja: yeah don't worry you can't get rid of me that easy

I wish I could, I know it's mean for me to say but ever since that moment in the mothership when I saw the two of them kiss I wanted nothing more than to teleport the Queen in waiting into an active volcano or to the bottom of the ocean. Hell, even had deserted island where I don't have to see her face anymore would be better

We get in the car I get in the front while the girls are in the back my dad is just packing up the boot with everything we're bought on a girls night out it's more like hell for me I barely spoke for any of it and honestly every time I saw aja Open her mouth I wanted nothing more than to shove my shadow staff through her core

I can't wait for this day to be over!

Mary sounded puzzled: Sir I think you've got the wrong car

I turned around to see that man with no hair and wearing glasses he's standing in the driving seat he seems to be unresponsive to Mary and the other girls calling about forgetting in the wrong car. He's breathing quite heavily and it seems like he's sweating- Suddenly the man turns around and sprays some weird smoke in the air and I feel myself getting drowsy so I...must...not...fall....

An unknown amount of time later

I feel woozy as I slowly begin to open my eyes and I find myself in what appears to be an abandoned warehouse I look to my side the girls are there along with my dad who is tied up on a chair I tried to move my hands but I'm chained to this table along with the rest of the girls

aja begins to wake up: what- what happened? Where are we?

I look around as well as well but I can't see anything to give us any indication about where we are or not to mention my head is still woozy from whatever that smoke was: I don't know can you reach your weapon

Blinded part 1Where stories live. Discover now