Flown the coop part 1

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Everyone well this is a three below episode like I wanted to use going to be some lines from the party monster hunters gonna see how I can make these two episodes coexist with each other. Also this episode might be chopped up into three pieces instead of two

Narrators point of view

On the moon

The brotherhood were preparing their ship not knowing that on the moon lied a stalker listening in on the conversation

Alpha: Report to Mirando tell him the price of the bounties just went up

The blue female: are you sure That Marando will increase the bounty?

Alpha: he'll have to when we tell him that the human act all over the intergalactic news is protecting them and regardless will still kill them it's just going to be more of a challenge now that we know where they are nowhere is safe

The stocking alien on the moon that looks like a bird: oh how I can agree Thank you for the information

Down on earth in Claire's room The troll hunting team including of Toby, Jim and Claire were discussing a plan to get the Inferno cupular off of a Stricklers finger

Jim explains his plan: okay so we wait for him to fall asleep in the office and then Claire uses shadow staff to sneak us in and then I ever so gently lift the ring from his finger

toby interrupted and pointed out a flaw in the plan: hold up storyteller who do we even know that he sleeps at all I mean he is technically a troll

Jim rethinking: good point Tobes okay so we spiked his tea with super Cold medicine he gets knocked out Claire uses her shadow staff to portal in and then I ever so gently remove the-

Claire stopped the line of thinking as she pointed out another flaw in the plan: wait what is his Office is guarded, it would make sense he is the leader of a secret organisation of monsters

Jim explain again also getting a bit impatient: okay so let's go to this one more time we spoke his tea then Claire opens a portal to sneak us in Toby brings his new war hammer to knock out his goons and then I ever so gently remove the ring

Toby interrupted: what if he doesn't come off?

Jim losing his patience: what why wouldn't it come off!

Toby: maybe he glued on or he gained a few pounds

Claire: that seems really unlikely Toby... but just in case turn off his hand just to be sure

Jim finally gave into his frustration and yelled out: Goddamnit I can't turn off its hand because if I do that my mum is gonna lose an hand! Why does this have to be so complicated!

Claire trying to ease angry boy: okay okay chill Jim We get it you're under a lot of stress and we know what's at stake if we don't get that ring

Toby thinking about it: yeah that crazy psycho will come back for you and we'll never get the kill stone, although why don't you try your pickpocket technique that you used on Steve that one time

Jim getting up and adjusting his glasses: oh believe me I would love to try to do that the only problem is that only works on things in peoples pockets I can't pick pocket someone's ring off her finger without them noticing

decided it was best to come up with a magic solution to their problem of getting the ring Toby and Jim took a leave of Clares house but before Jim could leave Claire whispered to him

Claire whispered: hey Jim can you have a word with not Enrique, Do you want to start a party and I've told him no I thousand times but he's not listening so I figured maybe you could work your magic.

Blinded part 1Where stories live. Discover now