20/20 vision

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Hello everyone this is the mind over matter episode of 3below it's only going to be a one part because technically the next episode is the second part of discovering Stewart

Aja Point of view

in the mothership

I ask jim training me to the best of his abilities to become a warrior however he's a lot harder to hit than I previously thought, I keep trying to find an opening but every time I do he blocks it it's like he can read my mind

Jim blocking my serrator with his cane: aja you're being too loud and you're waiting too long for planting an attack if you can't find an opening then make one.

I argue: i'm waiting for an opening because I don't want to get hurt.

However the second I say that Jim hit me in the stomach with his cane and tripped me over I tried to get back up but I'm already pinned Jim puts his cane in my face and I give up. It is impossible to get a good attack in on him you can see everything coming even though we can't see it all.

Jim helping me up: aja you must get used to pain if you want to become a warrior you must get used to getting hit even I can't avoid every attack.

He has a point it's incredible how Jim can fight without even needing to see his enemy of this Strickler character appears to be the source of the majority of Jim's anger. I wonder if that's the same for Claire she appears to be as the human say annoyed every time I see her she has an unhappy look.

We have us begin sparring again this time I take James advice and try to make openings I get a bit closer to the feet in this time but I'm still out skilled i'm flat on my face again

Krel Who was also in the room working on something that was supposed to help us read minds: could you do that anywhere else and didn't Varvatos say that you should not be trained

Jim defended me: Actually he said that He wouldn't trade her it doesn't mean I can't you guys have no idea what dangers look around this town that's why I've asked you to make those mind reading glasses

Oh yes that's right Jim wanted my little brother to make some mind reading equipment to help him find this plague doctor and also to find out what Strickler is planning although I am against using our home World technology in the open it's a bit too risky if you ask me

Krel Who also had the same concerns but for different reasons: I don't understand what's so dangerous about this Strickler he seems okay to me and this plague doctor sounds minuscule at the best of all he does is start fires why don't you call the what do you call them the firefighters?

The sudden bang Causing me and my little brother to flinch in from Jim Who looks at human say  pissed: The firefighters couldn't deal with the plague doctor he's like nothing you've ever seen he kills for his deranged ambition he wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone. Strickler is crafty he was stupid to come back here but he wouldn't do so if you didn't have a plan I will find out what that planets he doesn't know about the two of you yet so if you read his mind and tell me what he's thinking then I'll be able to piece it together

I do see Jim point but I don't see how this beneficial to me and my brother: Jim you know we're happy to help you out because you have that's right we don't see how this is not gonna help us if anything we're taking the bigger risk in getting exposed by wearing technology on our head

Jim gave me a soft smile as he explained: well it is most likely that Miranda was going to send bounty hunters or his army to collect/kill you but they won't be able to do it out in the open but they won't be able to hide their thoughts.

My little brother gleaned in excitement as he realised what our friend was implying: so we will use the glasses to detect if anyone is an alien or a threat to us not to mention if any of your human friends become suspicious or be able to tell and put them at ease before they suspect anymore we're already having trouble with this boy named Eli

Yes that's strange skinny human wears glasses, He's been rather suspicious of us since we got here he's been following us very poorly I may add however Jim assured us that Eli was no threat he was just searching for the plague doctor he been following everyone in town being suspicious so he claimed that we should just ignore him I don't go away.

Jim: yes that's correct Krel In this way both our teams gain something from those glasses on so I think the risk is well worth the results are they almost finish

Krel put the finishing touches on his invention we tested it out and it did truly read our minds Jim was the one who decided that we should go take it for a test drive out in town maybe we'll get lucky and find the enemy that he's been searching for. But my real question is why am I so determined to make this boy happy that I only just met when we started talking it felt like we knew each other since we were children even though it's only been a while. Snap out of it aja as the human say you have bigger fish to burn is that the right expression?

We sneak out of the house because The great and mighty Nanny vex i'm not to leave the house unless necessary or with him which is impossible because he refuses to as he said "get in a vile bony slack of flesh"

So we use looong and Rex to distract him which gives us the opportunity to leave after we escape our fake parents. We walk around town and when it comes to my child on the glasses I come to realise that humans into the centre of the universe.

Even though there are couple hundred thousand years away from it but what I mean is they think only about what they think of themselves or others think of them it appears that being human is hard even for humans.

That's when I hear a language that does not belong to this planet it's Amy one I pointed out to the others and we immediately take cover by a tree and the taco Merchants moving stall is where I hear this out of world language coming from the blundering oath known as Steve.

Jim Doesn't believe me when I told him that he Steve is not from this world: aja i've known Steve all my life unfortunately there's no way he could be an bounty Hunter he's too dense

However my little brother actually I'm thinking which is a rarity for him and matches up to the blundering oats

(Just imagine that Jim that this scene was really hard to write)

(yes Steve is still going to fall in love with aja but unfortunately his feelings are not going to be returned which is going to make him turn to Eli for comfort😉)

Anyway that's it for this chapter I know it was fairly short in comparison to my other ones but honestly there is not much I felt I could do with this one I mean I like it in the show but it's hard for me to make it the next one will be longer I promise

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