Waka Chaka part 2

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Hello everyone is before I started this chapter I would like to ask that if you guys have any opinions about where the story should go or if you have anything you would like to see in the story please let me know in the comments. I wanna make the story as enjoyable as can be.

Also this is a long chapter but I guarantee it's worth it for a bit at the end.

Blinky Point of view

Night time in the streets of Arcadia

Tobias the roadkill goblin with a stick: Walla

Aaarrrggghhh corrected Tobias: not Wala goblin

Yuck goblins such despicable creatures. Roofless tricksters Paddy Street Vandals Who only leaves a of destruction from whence they came. This is rather odd though we haven't had a goblin problem for a few decades now and for the goblin just been run over by a random driver that is quite peculiar but regardless this is not good

Tobias took a closer look at the goblin: I always thought goblins were a bigger than this you know the they are in RPG games

Tobias's ability to connect the fictional characters of RPG games to the real world of magic is astonishing: these RPG games are vastly inaccurate to the real terror of goblins

Tobias shrugged and threw away his stick: Well looks like to me that justice was served Jim what do you think?

Master Jim didn't answer in fact he was relatively quiet about the whole discovery of this court, he just stood there I couldn't tell if you had gone off to space or was just deep in thought

I tried to Bring him back to reality but Tobias stopped me: Blinky don't interruption him

I'm puzzled by this to me master Jim doesn't seem like he's doing anything: interrupt him doing what Tobias? he is just standing there still like a statue

Tobias whispered in my ear: he's gone into detective mode just let it play out he'll come out of it in a second

I'm against it but I listen to Tobias and I let Master Jim go into his detective mode so we all stand there in complete and total silence as Master Jim thanks, after two minutes of waiting master Jim moves his cane down the course of the goblin pacifically checking over the tire tracks. Once he's done he turns to us

Master Jim explains: there were four of them including this one judging by the tire tracks he was run over by a delivery truck it's my hazard to guess that they were trying to get something from the delivery judging how the three that were left were carrying something of rather big weight between them and heading off into downtown

My mouth opens like a drawbridge in surprise so much so that my friend Aaarrrggghhh Has to close it for me how in the world in did master jim come to that conclusion

I ask him to explain: Master Jim how can you be so sure?

Master Jim raised up his cane and then pointed it at the dead goblin: Elementary my dear Blinky you see I got a smell from the goblins corpse there and I was able to narrow down and there were three others with him because of how strong smell still was. If you're wondering how I could still smell the goblins my sense of smell is so much better then yours is both a blessing and a curse

Aaarrrggghhh asked: how Jim know it was delivery truck?

Master Jim: That was the easy part the markings left on the goblin were from a tire that is most commonly known to be used in this town for deliveries

Tobias: okay but how do you know they took something?

Master Jim explained further: I could smell stronger sense of the goblins that were heading in that direction which gives me the impression that they were walking all close together so that would only make sense to me if they were carrying something that was really heavy to heavy for one of them to carry

Blinded part 1Where stories live. Discover now