A night to remember part 2

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hello everyone I just Wanna make a big announcement this is the first chapter I've done on my computer restaurant on my phone, this is merely to try out some new software I have for my computer that I will be using for other things this should just make my writing a little easier. However like I said this first time I'm using it so things could be a little glitchy so bear with me now without further ado on the chapter

aja point of view

at the school at night

Me and my little brother are notified about what happened to Jim's mother wants to go over and make sure they were okay but Jim assured me that everything was fine and he was gonna come to the school dance with Claire and the others. I'm relieved to find that Jim's mother is going to be okay, however now a new challenge has come forth getting my little brother to ask out his crush

krel spotted Mary in the second he did he started sweating bullets along with started shaking as the human say like a Chihuahua, I place my hand on Charlotte's product calm his nerves as I speak: little brother you will be fine just go up there and ask her to dance

My little brother was still nervous as anything but he swallowed his nerves and walked up to Mary i give them some privacy but I watch from afar I can't help the saying but judging by the reactions of them are having with Mary smiling and giggling my little brother's response as he literally jumps for joy I'd say it went well. They walk away with my little brother giving me a massive thumbs up and the biggest smile I've ever seen.

Well that settles one problem the next one is getting him to dance me. I mean me and Claire have had this whole nonaggression agreement since the time that we nearly accidentally let Toby go up in the atmosphere, but tonight my night that I'm gonna make my move I researched these human dances and I know time to confess my true feelings to Jim and there's nothing that Claire can do to stop me.

I see Jim and Claire along with Toby arrived at the school I immediately run over to them mostly because I want to make sure that Jim is up for this as much as I want to be mine I don't want to take advantage of this fragile state that he could be in because of his mother

I decided ask: how was your mother she gonna be okay?

Jim response with a small smile: yes you can be fine she just remember anything in the past couple of hours

well that's some good news at least, what I mean is I'm glad she's okay but I do think it best that she doesn't remember anything in the last thing I want to do is introduce myself properly myself when she say life altering moment.

So after talk we decide to go away and the atmosphere is as the human say booming. The music is fantastic as we all start to dance

humans were dancing all over some with their partners others were doing solo dances look into the corner and I see my brother making an absolute full of himself dancing with Mary who is just giggling and carrying on with his terrible dance moves not caring what the others think about

I realise this my chance to asking jim to dance and I need to beat Claire to the punch: Jim would like to dance?

Claire let out an angry girl as if to say back off but I don't take seriously Jim nods and I lead him to the dancefloor with a smirk on my face as I look back at Claire who looks like she wants to kill me but I won't let that ruin my night or my chance

I swear I have never had this much fun in my life, the music makes me feel so alive and dancing along with someone you care about is the greatest feeling any living thing could have. I do see Claire in the sidelines just glaring at the two of us and you know what I don't care I just keep dancing like she's not even watching my tension grows over to Toby who is dancing with school mascots just like yours wanted to I still don't get the attraction to a purple mould but I suppose just a human thing.

The music stops were second and everyone has turned their attention towards the stage, Coach Lawrence announces the king and queen of Spring Fling obviously Jim win's because he won two out of the three challenges but to our surprise Darcy wins the Queen's position who also turns out to be the mascots which shocks Toby and everyone else other than Claire apparently since she knew the whole time. 

Darcy and Jim are supposed to an annual dance but decided against it they would much rather dance with someone they can with Darcy obviously decided to give Toby a chance and dance with him while Jim came back to me and we just danced for a little while longer I could see client corner of my eye getting more and more frustrated with the situation I could see that she was only a few minutes away from is exploding's so avoiding any more distractions I whispered to Jim does he want to go upstairs to the roof for some fresh air

He agrees to my delight and while Claire is distracted by Mary I sneak Jim away go to the roof this is my chance this is my moment I'm gonna tell how I feel.

Once one arose I can feel the cold breeze hit me on my face even though the skin is technically not real I can still feel everything that touches the stars shine so brightly as I look at the night sky reminds me of you I had back home

I speak without thinking: it's beautiful

Jim: I'll have to work for that

oh no I hope I didn't offend him: I didn't mean I'm sorry I forgot that you-

jim chuckles I realise he was just joking around: it's fine aja and I didn't mean anything by it, I do have to wonder though what is a look like Spencer lances have been able to see the sky have almost forgotten what stars look like

I suppose not everything about having Jim's ability is a good thing he's missed out on a lot, I grasped his hand slightly and let it run down my cheek: I can describe for you if you want

jim: no it's fine it's nice just being able to listen to the sounds of the town have got an idea when I show you something amazing about the world have to live in

I'm confused about what he meant but he covers my eyes and just tells me to listen takes a while but finally hear it all the sounds of the town every little detail and it's like an orchestra use its noisy but quiet and soothing and it's got a weird taste of a rhythm even though all the sounds are random

I remove Jim's hands from my eyes and I look at him with a massive smile: I was amazing

In that moment the two of us just stare at each other Jim removes his sunglasses and I can see into his eyes even though they have no colour still magnificent two of us grow closer and closer together until we are just about to kiss and I can see everything is turning my way

Until Claire screams at us and gets in between us like an annoying little rat begin arguing again but Jim quickly put a stop to that when he points up and there stands a troll that I remember being called angor rot

we didn't even have any time to react when a goal suddenly appeared behind us grabbed me and Claire we could get out to try to rescue us but he had his sword stolen again however something strange happened angor just asked for the key troll market and he said let us go for now

while Jim is thinking about it goal squeezed its grip tightly around us both me and Claire let out a shriek of pain and Jim do someone's arm and gives the assassin to angor then disappears with Claire's shadow staff that he snuck from her pocket it was so confusing the assassin had wanted to kill Jim absences always destroyed why would you just want key ... Oh no he wants to wipe out everyone it's wrong to him Strickler werewolves and the other trolls are hiding in Arcadia we have to warn everyone!

Okay that's it for this chapter and I'm sorry again this wasn't exactly action packed but like I said I'm just testing out some new equipment from a computer Lemme know what you guys think about this because I feel there are less spelling errors at  there aren't any I can see

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