The horror of 1994 part 2

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Hi everyone, I feel much better after getting some sleep so here's the next part of the Halloween special for this story also concerning the things with the competition I'm going to give everyone a time limit of until this part of my story ends so make sure if you have an idea leave it in the comments or private message

Aja Point of view

What on Earth and I use the term literally is going on in this town, The person that attacked us in the hospital he was the one that news report said it was dead he was shot in the head and I removed the mask I literally saw the bullet hole! I mean after meeting Jim I have been introduced into the world of supernatural but this is crazy you can't bring someone back from the dead can you!?

Jim: aja you're wrapping the band a little tight

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by my boyfriends concern and I remember what I'm doing I'm giving him some first aid from the cuts he got from the attacker

I apologise: sorry I just got wrapped up in what just happened that guy was the same guy that did the mall massacre but the news report said he was dead

Jim whispers to make sure the others can't hear us: I know and the weirdest thing I didn't sense any intent or any emotion from that guy even a psychopath has to give off vibes of what they're planning to do most people can't pick up on them but I can but when it came to Skeletor I didn't feel anything it was like he was just a ghost if it wasn't for his footprints I never would've known he was there

He was almost invisible to Jim's senses that's not good, I look over to the others they're talking about something I whisper to Jim and Rex about something important: with the stuff we've already seen and we know it's possible you don't think that Ryan is now a zombie

Rex whispers: aja have point but he did not feel right

Jim agrees and disagrees with me: under normal circumstances I would agree with you that something else is going on here, the site if he was a zombie from what blink he's told me zombie spell would take a ninth level sorceress or sorcerer perform and after the witch trials all magic uses disappeared into every day life not to mention that hasn't been a ninth level magic user since Merlin and another one called the pale lady but Merlin is believed to be dead and this pale lady is only something of legend now

Okay but let's still doesn't make any sense if Ryan isn't a zombie then how was he able to walk around unless it's some person pretending to be Ryan to get away with murder but even so that doesn't make any sense but Jim is right on one thing there's something else going on here the question is what

Jim stands up: if we're gonna survive we need to know more maybe this town has some sort of significant event in the past that involves magic or something it's the best guess we've got

I agree with my boyfriend so we go up to Josh to ask him some questions I ask him questions: hey your name is Josh right

Josh turns around: yeah your aja right and that your boyfriend gym and I'm assuming the dog out with you guys is yours what's up

Jim comes in: your sister who saw the killer with out his mask said it was the same guy that committed the massacre at the mall but we heard the news report said he was dead We were just wondering has anything like that happened in the town before

Josh: unfortunately yes there's been a massacre is in Shadyside for as long as the as the town has been here. It's all related to the witches curse

Kate didn't seem like that: oh my God it's not the witches curse it's not real it's just some of you get away with murder by dressing up as the previous killer

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