The Battle of two bridge part 3

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Everyone we are now at the end of part one of season one I hope you have enjoyed my story so far, However after this chapter I will be taking a break for a couple of days because I have been neglecting my other stories so I just want some time to think about what to do next in them anyway I hope you enjoy

Narrators point of view

Toby handed Claire baseball bat to give us something to fight with has everyone charged at one another. But just in the music stopped

Toby yelled out in his makeshift armour of pots and pans and a shovel for a weapon: wait a minute!

To everyone surprise, both teams actually stopped and waited for Toby to play a new playlist The next 20 seconds was Toby shifting through his music album searching for the right song

Toby finally found the song he was looking for: here it is! I am Toby grandson of Nana fan of hard rock keeper of record of Gogo sushi and..... I've forgotten the rest

(I don't own this video the music just seen appropriate for the scene)

Jim: good song

Toby: just thought it would match well with the theme. Okay let's do this kill them all

Everyone got back into a fighting stance and charged Draal truck on bular. Toby and Claire handled the goblins. Aaarrrggghhh and Blinky faced Nomura leaving Strickler to Jim and Rex

Draal and bular locked arms and as the son of the previous Trollhunter looked into the eyes of his fathers killer he said: hello my Draal The deadly, you killed my father prepare to die

The two trolls battled rigourously across the bridge of killer head in the meantime Toby and Claire were having their own problems dealing with their pest infestation

Claire smashes a goblin into muck: how are there so many of these things!

Toby slices a goblin and a half which causes it to go into mush: well I can't be sure but I think they're multiplying as we kill them

Claire kills two more of the Cretans: Gross! are you serious!

Two teens were getting surrounded by goblins faster than they could kill them but their other teammates were having problems. Blinky being historian he had no combat experience and his compatriot Aaarrrgghh was a pacifist so all he could do was defend against Nomura as they were being pulled back onto the stage

Nomura chasing after her pray: Hahaha so this is how trainer and a pacifist fight!

Aaarrrggghhh managed to block the majority of Nomura's it was beginning to to get tired and hurt by blocking the blade with his bare flesh. Blinky could see that his friend was becoming weaker he looked behind them to find anywhere else he could retreat further back to but instead he just found three goblins coming towards them assuming to help The enemy.

That's when Blinky was reminded of what his student did in a fight he tricked his enemies, Blinky calls to his friend: aaarrrggghhh!

Aaarrrggghhh saw his friend and the goblins and begin to understood Blinkys plan. The pacifist lead Nomura right into the track making sure that she couldn't see the goblins approaching eventually they made it to the curtain of the stage Nomura thinking she's one unleashed her final attack blanket covers himself and Aaarrrggghhh in the curtain, Nomura I think this is a female attempt to stop one of her attacks but when she sliced through the curtain she is the splashing sound of goblin guts

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