Beetle manai part 1 (short)

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Okay I know I said last time that this wasn't going to be split into two parts and I said that to the next chapter would be longer but unfortunately a personal matter came up which then led me to not having much time to write today. I am sorry truly I am but I hope you can understand.

Jim Point of view

In the kitchen of the mothership

The alien that we captured claims to have the name of Stuart and has been around here for 30 years crash landed like the Royals and I know he's telling the truth about this and he's not a bounty hunter sent by Marando but of course the mighty commander does not believe Stewart and insists that they torture him.

Stewart speaks I think directly to me having a fan girl moment about aja and Krel: with that armour you must be the demon of Arcadia and judging by those weapons of yours you must be the only human that has been able to kill a predator

Through my helmet I raise an eyebrow: you mean to tell me that you know about the predators and no other human has killed one before

Stuart continue : Well yes and no you're the only human that's defeated a predator and not had it The self-destruct destroy you all the town and judging by those weapons they gave you they must see you in high regard now I understand why that made the universe news

I'm confused: universe news? You mean to tell me that the whole universe now knows that I exist, but I was told that the predators were rather what is the word loners

Krel spoke up: Yes that species of brute hunters are lacking in the sociability of other planets but the universe news somehow managed to find out about any little detail that happens in the universe they even found out about aja sneaking out in the palace on her birthday Mama and papa still have no idea how they would now

Well that's just great and that is sarcasm, Now that the whole universe knows I exist how many other one of the challenges will come to earth looking for the only human that didn't blow up Or got his skull mounted on a wall by a predator not to mention I have put it in gear which is almost level with aja and krel Home world technology.

There was a buzzing sound that draws me away from the threats that were made to Stuart it was a strange buzzing sound aja Then explain to me that they had been infested by some sort of alien bug which Stuart claimed he could fix in a jiffy so we went to a store and he picked out a vacuum cleaner and krel Found a boombox which Stuart let him have free of charge anyway me and the Extraterestrial siblings had to get ready for school and also would be a good idea to update Toby and Claire along with Blinky and Aaarrrggghhh of what's going on.

Actually scratch that Blinky probably doesn't want anyone to interrupt him he's still trying to figure out the riddle I mean we know that location of the stones technically I mean we know where we could start looking in a mountain swamp or a cavern you want a problem is there are so many in the Earth just to find one stone might take years. So the historian is reallylooking through the riddle hoping that if he uses a different translating text or some secret code might be in the riddle that could reveal more information And then again there is Strickler that needs to be addressed. He's not made a move that's anything suspicious besides the sudden disappearance of a headmaster and his replacement being Strickler.

Which is obviously suspicious but even if we could prove that the headmaster is missing and not off sick because of the flu we still couldn't tie it to Strickler my guess is he's made the headmaster disappear either the mob way or another magical way regardless there's nothing that we can gain by taking that action

But I wish there was something we could do it because of the disagreement me and my mum are having Strickler is weaving his way into my mothers heart which is not appreciated I would cut him down in the hallway if I could his shenanigans are driving me up the wall and I don't know how much longer I can take

Okay once again I'm sorry for the short chapter I really really am I had a great idea for this but I can't do it in this chapter so it will be in the next one let's just say that aja and Claire I'm going to be having a bit of a cat fight

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