Reckless club part 1

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Everyone in this chapter the point of perspective changes a bit more than usual so just a heads up

Toby Point of view

you know what the worst part about going to school It's when you have to go in on a weekend, because of us missing class earlier this week we were Told that we should come in on a weekend for detention how is it that we can save the universe and our planet but yet we can't get out of trouble from our teachers

But on the plus side nothing is going to try to kill us today so it should be like a vacation, well it would've been if Steve didn't get detention either so vacation cancelled

So now all of the troll hunting team and the Extraterestrial team are sitting in a classroom with a couple of bystanders, to make matters even worse I can't even have my favourite breakfast burrito

I bring up a concern I have to jim: are we sure it's a good idea for us to be in detention when you know who could be out?

Jim eased my nerves a little: look the worst thing we can do now is start a panic about it troll market is booming With magical creatures that just wanna be safe and thanks for the heart stone they are and asked if we start a panic knows what's gonna happen

Claire agreed: he's right toby, we just need to relax and take a Backstep and think about things I mean let's be honest it's like a one in 1 million chance that you know who actually got out

Yeah but that chance is still open or is what I wanted to say but our teacher told us to be quiet before helping himself to my breakfast burrito. Jokes on him that burrito head three ghost peppers in it you'll be needing to use the bathroom right about...

The teacher: oh spicy got to go to the bathroom!

He instantly ran out of the door and headed straight for the bathroom what can I say, you reap what you so now it's just a matter of surviving detention without Steve trying to pull anything

Dictatious point of view

We are having one final meeting before meeting I will move on troll mark, we managed to get in contact with some Oaks however they had conditions to joining us that we would have to take troll market 1st to prove our strength still there

My Lord: is everything prepared my Warcouncil

I speak up: yes my lord, the oaks have promised that if we can take troll mark they will gladly join us

My lord: how can we be sure those beasts will keep their word

I hear Carmella speak up: my lord from my understanding the Oaks are on a bound race once they make a promise they will not pull out all of the deal. However there is another problem that I wish to discuss with you

My lord gives his vampire general this stage: what is it Carmela? Speak your mind

Camilla told us her concerns: it's about Otto I understand you is of a species that like to turn on one another

I agree with that statement: Yes however those in pure would never betray our master they know they are weak and no match for him

Camilla chuckled: yes, however we are teaching him how to become a forge master of which he is excelling at. The problem is the creatures are loyal to their forge master who is to say that once he has enough he will not turn on all of us

As much as I hate to admit it the vampire had a point we could not trust this inpure not on his word. Under normal circumstances I would say to our master that we need to kill him immediately however we need those Night Creatures if we want any chance of taking troll market

Another female vampire walked into the room Camilla introduced her as one of her sister Lenore: my Lord, my sister has an idea that worked in the past when we were dealing with a rather rebellious forge master and I'm quite sure it will work again

Me and my master are intrigued: very well Lenore tell me your plan

The vampire sister known as the north sounded nervous, I cannot blame her she is standing in the presence of the one true ruler of the world: well you see your grace when I was trying to "convince" a former forge master to work alongside us I tricked him into swearing his loyalty to me while wearing an enslavement ring The ring itself will then allow the Night Creatures to be loyal to you as well because Otto Will of pledged his allegiance to you that way the Night Creatures cannot harm you or anyone else you deem worthy in your messy

That's plan is so devious so evil I'm actually surprised I didn't come up with it myself master seems to like this idea and I have to say I'm surprised that the vampire sister had it in her

Master got up from his chair and I could hear his feet walking towards the door: before we make a move on troll market let us get a proper dinner

Rex point of view

Humans are so weird, the second Authority disappears they all act like wild animals that's exactly what's happening here because of the teachers reaction to the burrito he is now stuck in the bathroom and I can smell it from here and it does not smell good.  It also sounds like yoghurt getting shot out of a T-shirt tenant

Regardless about the teachers well-being Jim and his friends go off and act like wild animals doing whatever they please running in the hallways even getting their bikes and doing it and breaking into the cafeteria and stealing all their food

Can't really deny that I'm having fun as well even though I can't take part as much as I want to because of the three bystanders but so far today is turning out amazing

Okay that's it for this chapter now I know that it isn't that long but after the lunch after I had yesterday I just wanted to wrap up the first part of this episode. Honestly I just really want to get onto the unbecoming episode because I've had something planned for that for ages

So anyway you know the drill don't forget to vote leave a comment and I hope to see you next time 

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