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"Come in" called a voice on the other side of the door. I opened the door to find Professor Dumbledore sitting at his desk. "Ahh Miss L/n. What can I do for you?" I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"Well Professor, I don't have a dress for the dance. I asked around and nobody has a spare. I could ask my mother but, well quite frankly she has very poor taste. So I guess I was wondering well, Emma told me there was a dress shop in Diagon Alley so-"

"So you want to go to Diagon Alley to get a dress?" he interrupted.

"Umm ya." I said nervously. He smiled at me.

"This works out perfectly! Professor Snape is going to Diagon Alley this afternoon. You can go with him. Just meet him in the entrance hall at 1 o'clock this afternoon. I will let your teachers know that you will not be in class."

"Thank you Professor." I smiled at him. I turned and left the room. And headed off to Transfiguration.

Great now everyone is going to look at me when I walk in. I thought to myself when I was outside the door. I quickly opened the door and as expected, everyone turned their heads towards me. "Miss Y/N, do you have a note?" asked Professor McGonagall.

"Umm no. But, I was just with Dumbledore." Oooos echoed through the classroom. I felt my face go red.

"Very well then. Please take a seat then." I felt eyes follow me as I walked to the back of the room and sat down next to Ron and Harry. As soon as Professor McGonagall started teaching again Ron leaned over to me.

"Hey Y/n," he whispered.


"So umm, your friends with Hermione right?"

"That's such a dumb question Ron. Of course I am."

"Oh ya. Anyways," he said, turning scarlet. "Did she say anything about me?" he asked, Clearly embarrassed.

"What do you mean?"

"Well umm, like, does she like me?" 

I covered my mouth with my hand in order to hold back a laugh. "I am not going to tell you. Although, it's quite obvious how you two feel about each other."

"So she does?!?!?!" he whisper yelled.

"That's all I am going to say. Sorry Ron. Girls secrets." I smirked at him.

 He rolled his eyes. "Thanks anyways." he leaned back over to his own desk. I silently laughed to myself.

All throughout the lesson I couldn't focus and it seemed I wasn't the only one. There were more whispers throughout the room. All talking about the dance. I was excited for this afternoon. I got to spend more time with one of my friends! I already spend a lot of time with him but this time it will be outside of the castle grounds.

Time skip to lunch:

I was sitting next to Emma in the great hall. We were both eating sandwiches.

"So y/n guess what!!" she said excitedly


"Noah asked me to go to the dance with him!" She grinned at me.

"That's great!" as if I didn't know that was going to happen. I thought to myself.

"I know right! We are even going to match! Can you imagine him in a purple tie!? He is going to be so cute!" she squealed. Her cheeks turned red. She looked at me and her smile dropped. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"It's nothing." She looked skeptical and narrowed her eyes.

"Something is clearly wrong. Now what is it?" I looked down at my sandwich embarrassed.

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